Serving Low-Income Families Through Premium Assistance: A Look At Recent State Activity September 29, 2003 Issue Brief This issue paper examines the policies in the HIFA waiver initiative that provide incentives for states to use Medicaid/SCHIP funds to assist in the purchase of private insurance options. It also reports on how states have responded to these new policies and what key policy questions are raised about premium…
A Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit: Implications for Medicaid and Low-Income People August 30, 2003 Report The Senate and House of Representatives each approved legislation in June of 2003 that would establish outpatient prescription drug coverage for Medicare beneficiaries as part of Medicare program reform. Among the key differences in the House and Senate bills that still must be addressed are the treatment of Medicaid beneficiaries…
New Publications on Immigrant Health Care and Linguistic Access August 1, 2003 Fact Sheet In 2000, there were over 32 million foreign-born residents in the U.S. Immigrants often face barriers to health coverage and health services. The disparities confronting immigrants can be similar to those faced by low-income working families generally, but immigrants also face other barriers, including linguistic issues and eligibility changes that…
Disparities in Health Coverage, Access, and Quality: The Impact of Citizenship Status and Language on Low-Income Immigrants August 1, 2003 Issue Brief This brief policy analysis examines the relative roles of race/ethnicity, citizenship, and language on insurance coverage, access to care, and quality of care, with a particular focus on the low-income Latino population. Brief Policy Analysis (.pdf)
Preserving Recent Progress for Health Coverage of Children and Parents: New Tensions Emerge July 1, 2003 Report The latest survey of eligibility rules and enrollment and renewal procedures in all 50 states and the District of Columbia in their Medicaid and SCHIP programs for children and parents. It reflects changes states implemented between January 2002 and April 2003. The current survey also solicited information about states premiums…
Medicaid Programs to Assist Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries: Medicare Savings Programs Case Study Findings May 1, 2003 Report Medicaid Programs to Assist Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries: Medicare Savings Programs Case Study FindingsThis report summarizes the findings of a five state case study examining their actions to bolster enrollment in their Medicare Savings Programs for Medicare beneficiaries who qualify for Medicaid assistance with their premiums and co-insurance. Background Paper
National ADAP Monitoring Project, Annual Report, April 2003 April 2, 2003 Report This report, the seventh in an annual series, provides an overview of the status of state-administered AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs) and documents how these programs are responding to the changing fiscal, clinical and epidemiological dynamics of HIV/AIDS.ADAPs, authorized under Title II of the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency…
State-Specific Section 1115 Waiver Fact Sheets March 30, 2003 Issue Brief The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured is closely following waiver activity to provide information on how these waivers are impacting the uninsured and affecting Medicaid and SCHIP and the coverage provided to low-income beneficiaries. Tennessee Section 1115 Waiver Amendment Proposal Fact SheetCalifornia Section 1115 Waiver Fact SheetColorado Section…
Health Insurance Premiums and Cost-Sharing: Findings from the Research on Low-Income Populations March 30, 2003 Issue Brief Health Insurance Premiums and Cost-Sharing: Findings from the Research on Low-Income PopulationsThis policy brief reviews studies on the impact of premiums and cost-sharing, particularly on low-income populations, and finds that premiums generally depressed participation in public programs and cost-sharing affected health utilization, access and outcomes. Policy Brief
Health Insurance Premiums and Cost-Sharing: The Impact on Low-Income Populations March 30, 2003 Fact Sheet This fact sheet summarizes the issues surrounding premiums and cost-sharing in public coverage programs and discusses the impact of these mechanisms on participation and health outcomes, particularly for low-income populations. Fact Sheet (.pdf)