Spotlight on Uninsured Parents: How a Lack of Coverage Affects Parents and Their Families June 1, 2007 Issue Brief Providing health coverage for the entire family can both help to increase coverage of children and assist low-income families in obtaining more affordable health care services. This brief uses data from the 2005 Kaiser Low-Income Coverage and Access Survey to examine health coverage, access and the financial impacts of health…
Family Coverage Under SCHIP Waivers April 30, 2007 Issue Brief Currently, eleven states cover parents with SCHIP funds via a federal waiver. This paper examines these programs and considers them within the context of the states' efforts to cover children. Issue Brief (.pdf)
Enrolling Children in Medicaid and SCHIP: Insights From Focus Groups With Low-Income Parents April 30, 2007 Report This focus group report explores the perceptions, motivations, and experiences of low-income parents enrolling their children in Medicaid and SCHIP. The 11 focus groups were conducted in Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles and Miami in early 2007. Report (.pdf)
Health Coverage for Low-Income Parents February 1, 2007 Fact Sheet The fact sheet summarizes the health coverage of low-income parents, including recent trends, and discusses the current policy challenges related to expanding care for this population. Fact Sheet (.pdf)
New Publications Examine SCHIP Experience; Trends in Access to Medicaid and SCHIP Coverage January 9, 2007 Fact Sheet Maintaining and expanding health coverage for children and parents will likely be in the forefront of health care policy debates in Washington and state capitols in 2007. With states generally in better financial shape since the fiscal crisis earlier in the decade, many have expressed interest in improving access to…
Aging Out of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT): Issues for Young Adults with Disabilities December 31, 2006 Issue Brief Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) coverage offered through the Medicaid program has played an important and unique role for low-income children with disabilities, and maintaining this support is a key concern. This issue brief discusses the challenges and implications for young people with disabilities when they become…
Resuming the Path to Health Coverage for Children and Parents: A 50-State Update on Eligibility Rules, Enrollment and Renewal Procedures, and Cost-Sharing Practices in Medicaid and SCHIP in 2006 December 30, 2006 Poll Finding Maintaining and expanding health coverage for children and parents will likely be in the forefront of health care policy debates in Washington and state capitols in 2007. With states generally in better financial shape since the fiscal crisis earlier in the decade, many have expressed interest in improving access to…
Health Coverage for Low-Income Americans: An Evidence-Based Approach to Public Policy October 30, 2006 Report Health Coverage for Low-Income Americans: An Evidence-Based Approach to Public PolicyThis report offers an evidence-based framework for developing public policy approaches to covering low-income Americans. The first part of the report is devoted to the question: What is the role for publicly sponsored health insurance? The second part turns to…
Health Coverage for Low-Income Populations: A Comparison of Medicaid and SCHIP March 30, 2006 Issue Brief Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) are often compared because they both serve low-income populations. However, the populations served, the coverage offered and the structure of these programs have differed in important ways. With the passage of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, states can now apply…
The Implications of a Loss in Public Health Coverage December 31, 2005 Event A new Health Affairs article and a policy brief examine the implications of cuts to public coverage programs like Medicaid and SCHIP. The Health Affairs article finds that Medicaid and SCHIP cuts would increase emergency department visits by the uninsured, suggesting that cost containment actions on public coverage programs would…