The North Carolina Health Choice Enrollment Freeze of 2001: Findings in Brief December 31, 2002 Report This report analyzes enrollment data and conveys focus group findings about the impact of North Carolina’s freezing enrollment in their SCHIP program. Report
Disability, Health Coverage, and Welfare Reform December 30, 2002 Report This report analyzes data from a survey of 42 low-income families with children with moderate or severe disabilities to better understand the impact of welfare reform on health coverage for these families.Report
SCHIP Program Enrollment: June 2002 Update December 30, 2002 Report This report presents information on the number of children enrolled in SCHIP for each state, for specific months from 1998 to June 2002. As of June 2002, the SCHIP program covered 3.6 million low-income children. An increase of 571,000 from the previous June.
New York’s Disaster Relief Medicaid: Insights and Implications for Covering Low-Income People July 30, 2002 Report This focus group study is of New Yorkers who enrolled in Disaster Relief Medicaid (DRM), a temporary public health insurance program created after the September 11th attacks. It is based on findings from six focus groups conducted with Hispanic, Chinese, and African American New Yorkers.
Medicare Beneficiaries and Their Assets: Implications for Low-Income Programs June 1, 2002 Report This report, prepared by Marilyn Moon of The Urban Institute and Robert Friedland and Lee Shirey of Georgetown University's Center on an Aging Society, reviews the income and assets of the current Medicare population, provides an overview of asset tests used to determine eligibility for programs assisting low-income Medicare beneficiaries,…
Welfare, Work and Health Care June 1, 2002 Report As the U.S. Congress works on legislation to reauthorize Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the nation's welfare program, the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured cosponsored a briefing on the health-related issues of the reauthorization.Chart Pack: Welfare Reform Reauthorization: A Focus on the Health Issues Summary Comparison of…
Women Who Left Welfare: Health Care Coverage, Access, and Use of Health Services June 1, 2002 Report This brief uses the latest available data from the National Survey of America's Families to assess the relationship of health coverage to work status, health, access and use of health services by women who left welfare in 1997 or after and had not returned by 1999.Issue Paper
Low-Income Parents’ Access to Medicaid Five Years After Welfare Reform May 31, 2002 Issue Brief This policy brief examines health coverage for low-income parents after the 1996 welfare law broke the historical connection between Medicaid coverage and welfare. Many states have altered their rules and some have expanded coverage for low-income working parents.Policy Brief
Enrolling Children and Families in Health Coverage: The Promise of Doing More May 31, 2002 Report The 50 state survey of enrollment simplification and renewal procedural reforms, shows that states continue to take steps to transform the Medicaid program from its origins as a welfare-based program into something resembling a more traditional health insurance program. Report (.pdf) >>All 50-State Children’s Health Coverage Reports
Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA): Medicaid Issue Update May 31, 2002 Fact Sheet This fact sheet presents the key questions and answers regarding transitional medical assistance as a part of the Medicaid program and its relationship to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), the welfare program.Fact Sheet