African Americans and the New Medicare Drug Benefit October 31, 2005 Poll Finding In a few short weeks, Medicare will undergo big changes that will have a major impact on nearly 4 million African American seniors and younger people with permanent disabilities who rely on Medicare for their health coverage. More than four in ten African Americans with Medicare lack coverage for their…
The Medicare Drug Benefit: Beneficiary Perspectives Just Before Implementation- Chartpack October 31, 2005 Poll Finding This chartpack highlights key results and trends from a comprehensive survey of seniors on their understanding of and views toward the Medicare drug benefit. The survey of 802 seniors was conducted in late October 2005, prior to the start of the benefit’s open enrollment period, which runs from Nov. 15,…
The Medicare Drug Benefit: Beneficiary Perspectives Just Before Implementation October 31, 2005 Poll Finding This comprehensive survey of seniors about the Medicare drug benefit finds that many seniors remain uncertain about how the new benefit will affect them and unsure about whether they will enroll. Seniors who say they understand the benefit well are more likely to report favorable views than those who do…
Survey of Teens in the Greater Washington, D.C. Area October 1, 2005 Poll Finding This survey conducted jointly by the Washington Post, the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health assesses the views and attitudes of DC-area teens and their parents on priorities involving career, child-rearing and family; their personal hopes and fears; their outlook towards the nation’s future; and generational…
State Medicaid Outpatient Prescription Drug Policies: Findings from a National Survey, 2005 Update September 30, 2005 Poll Finding State Medicaid Outpatient Prescription Drug Policies: Findings from a National Survey, 2005 UpdateThis survey of state Medicaid pharmacy programs supplements surveys conducted in 2003 and 2000 and reports Medicaid prescription drug policies in effect in early 2005. It covers key elements of utilization management, drug purchasing and potential impacts of…
Medicaid Budgets, Spending and Policy Initiatives in State Fiscal Years 2005 and 2006 September 30, 2005 Poll Finding The 50-state annual survey of about budget conditions and Medicaid cost containment actions in FY2005-06 shows that all states implemented and planned more Medicaid cost-containment actions, but are also implementing expansions as the gap between Medicaid spending growth and state tax revenue narrowed.Report (.pdf)Executive Summary (.pdf)
In a Time of Growing Need: State Choices Influence Health Coverage Access for Children and Families September 30, 2005 Poll Finding The annual 50-state survey of enrollment and eligibility policies in Medicaid and SCHIP for low-income families reveals that 20 states are taking actions to simplify procedures and requirements for beneficiaries and, in some cases, expand eligibility. Report (.pdf) Executive Summary (.pdf)
Health Care Costs Survey August 30, 2005 Poll Finding This comprehensive survey from USA Today, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and the Harvard School of Public Health examines how Americans are being affected by health care costs. The survey includes information on the barriers health care costs pose to obtaining medical care and the alternative measures people take to lower…
Health Care Costs Survey – Summary and Chartpack August 30, 2005 Poll Finding The summary and chartpack highlight key findings from the joint USA Today/Kaiser/Harvard School of Public Health survey exploring Americans’ views on health care costs.Survey Summary and Chartpack (.pdf)
Health Care Costs Survey – Toplines August 30, 2005 Poll Finding This document includes the toplines from the joint USA Today/Kaiser/Harvard School of Public Health survey exploring Americans’ views on health care costs.Survey Toplines (.pdf)