Additional Findings: Opinions and Experiences of 18- to 25-Year-Olds May 30, 2006 Poll Finding This chartpack is a supplemental report based on a subset of the Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS and provides additional analysis on the opinions and experiences of 18- to 25-year-olds on HIV/AIDS. A full survey report, including full question wording for results presented in this report is available here.Chartpack (.pdf)
Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS April 29, 2006 Poll Finding This national survey released by the Kaiser Family Foundation finds that Americans increasingly believe the U.S. should be a global leader on HIV/AIDS, including spending more money to fight the epidemic abroad and at home. This comes despite an American characteristic distaste for foreign aid and at a time when…
Chartpack: 2006 Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS April 29, 2006 Poll Finding Chartpack: 2006 Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS These charts highlight data from the Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS conducted between March 24 and April 18, 2006. The survey covers a variety of topics including HIV/AIDS as a problem for our nation, knowledge and perceptions about HIV/AIDS, domestic HIV spending and…
Toplines: 2006 Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS April 29, 2006 Poll Finding These toplines provide the complete survey questions and responses to the Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS conducted between March 24 and April 18, 2006. The survey covers a variety of topics including HIV/AIDS as a problem for our nation, knowledge and perceptions about HIV/AIDS, domestic HIV spending and program priorities,…
Chartpack: Seniors’ Early Experiences with the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit April 1, 2006 Poll Finding Chartpack: Seniors’ Early Experiences with the Medicare Prescription Drug BenefitThese charts highlight key data from the April 2006 tracking poll on seniors’ early experiences with the new Medicare drug benefit.Chartpack (.pdf)
Kaiser Health Poll Report Survey: Seniors’ Early Experiences with the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit April 1, 2006 Poll Finding Kaiser Health Poll Report Survey: Seniors’ Early Experiences with the Medicare Prescription Drug BenefitThis April 2006 tracking poll finds that most seniors enrolled in a Medicare drug plan are satisfied with their plan and are not having trouble getting the drugs they need. Most seniors enrolled in plans reported filling…
Toplines: Seniors’ Early Experiences with the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit April 1, 2006 Poll Finding Toplines: Seniors’ Early Experiences with the Medicare Prescription Drug BenefitThese toplines contain the detailed results from the April 2006 tracking poll on seniors’ early experiences with the new Medicare drug benefit.Toplines (.pdf)
Toplines — Kaiser Health Poll Report: Selected Findings on Seniors’ Views of the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit January 31, 2006 Poll Finding Toplines — Kaiser Health Poll Report: Selected Findings on Seniors’ Views of the Medicare Prescription Drug BenefitThese toplines contain the detailed results from the February 2006 tracking poll on seniors’ views toward the new Medicare drug benefit.Survey Toplines (.pdf)
Chartpack: Selected Findings on Seniors’ Views of the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit January 31, 2006 Poll Finding Chartpack: Selected Findings on Seniors’ Views of the Medicare Prescription Drug BenefitThese charts highlight key data from the February 2006 tracking poll on seniors’ views toward the new Medicare drug benefit.Chartpack (.pdf)
Kaiser Health Poll Report Survey – Selected Findings on Seniors’ Views of the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit January 31, 2006 Poll Finding Kaiser Health Poll Report Survey – Selected Findings on Seniors’ Views of the Medicare Prescription Drug BenefitThis February 2006 Kaiser Family Foundation tracking poll finds that 45% of seniors say they have enrolled or plan to enroll in a drug plan, 29% say they do not intend to enroll in…