National Survey on Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Contraception and Unplanned Pregnancy 1995 December 30, 1994 Poll Finding Nationwide surveys have explored public opinion on these issues, but few surveys have measured the public’s knowledge of unplanned pregnancy, abortion, contraceptive methods and other related topics. The Kaiser Family Foundation commissioned a survey of Americans to identify where the gaps and misperceptions exist in the public’s knowledge of reproductive…
National Election Night Survey of Voters, 1994 October 31, 1994 Poll Finding Among Issues, Voters See Health Reform As Top Priority for New Congress But Reject Major Overhaul of System For More Modest Approach Embargoed for release: 12:00 p.m. EST Tuesday, November 15, 1994 For further information contact: Matt James or Tina Hoff National Election Night Survey Also Finds: Voters Support Spending…