The Role of Health Coverage for Communities of Color October 31, 2009 Issue Brief The current health reform debate in this country focuses heavily on providing access to affordable health coverage for the millions of people who are uninsured. Any effort to expand coverage, alter current public programs, and/or create new public programs will have important consequences for the health of communities of color,…
Today’s Topics In Health Disparities: Is the Health Care System Ready for Health Reform? October 1, 2009 Event On Wednesday, November 4, at 1 p.m. ET, this Today’s Topics In Health Disparities live webcast examined how ready the health care system is for the influx of newly covered individuals that health reform aims to deliver. In the health care proposals being considered by Congress, changes to Medicaid alone…
A Profile of American Indians and Alaska Natives and Their Health Coverage September 1, 2009 Issue Brief A Profile of American Indians and Alaska Natives and Their Health Coverage This brief examines the health coverage, access to care and health status of American Indians and Alaska Natives across the country. Although the U.S. government has an established responsibility through tribal agreements to provide health care services to…
The Effects of the Economic Recession on Communities of Color July 30, 2009 Issue Brief This issue brief examines some of the challenges associated with employment, daily life and access to health care among racial minorities, who tend to be disproportionately affected by many of the consequences of economic hard times. High unemployment rates, coupled with vast differences in savings and wealth, have left many…
CHIP TIPS: New Federal Funding Available to Cover Immigrant Children and Pregnant Women June 30, 2009 Issue Brief This brief examines a new option under the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 that allows states to receive federal funds for providing Medicaid and CHIP coverage to lawfully residing immigrant children and pregnant women regardless of when they entered the country. Previously, states had been prohibited from…
Examining Racial and Ethnic Disparities Among Women at the State Level June 10, 2009 Event A decade after U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher called for the elimination of racial disparities in health, women of color in every state continue to fare worse than white women on a variety of measures of health and health care access. The Foundation has created a package of resources, including…
Survey Brief: Views and Experiences with HIV Testing Among African Americans in the U.S. June 1, 2009 Issue Brief This survey brief, based on the 2009 Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS, examines African Americans’ reported views and experiences with HIV testing. The U.S. AIDS epidemic has disproportionately affected African Americans, who account for nearly half of new infections, while representing just 12 percent of the U.S. population. The brief…
Putting Women’s Health Care Disparities On The Map: Examining Racial and Ethnic Disparities at the State Level May 31, 2009 Report This Kaiser Family Foundation report documents the persistence of disparities between white women and women of color across the country. It provides a rare and comprehensive state-level look at disparities among women of different races and ethnicities on a broad range of indicators of health and well-being, including rates of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, AIDS and cancer, and access to health insurance and health screenings.
Women at Risk: A View from the Safety Net May 31, 2009 Video This video provides a snapshot of the Arlington (Va.) Free Clinic where, four times a month, medical personnel provide care and screenings exclusively to women. The video explores the hurdles that uninsured women face in accessing health care and the social issues, including work and family responsibilities, that create challenges…
How Does Health Coverage and Access to Care for Immigrants Vary by Length of Time in the U.S.? May 30, 2009 Issue Brief This analysis, based on data from the 2007 Health Tracking Household Survey, examines how health coverage and access to care for non-elderly adults vary based on immigrants’ length of time in the U.S. and between immigrants, second generation Americans and third generation and higher Americans. It also identifies the primary…