Kaiser Health Security Watch June 10, 2012 Poll Finding The Kaiser Health Security Watch uses Kaiser Health Tracking Poll data to measure the public’s health care-related problems and worries, including problems paying medical bills, skipping or delaying health care due to cost, and worrying about their future ability to pay for care and keep insurance. The Health Security Watch describes…
Children and Oral Health: Assessing Needs, Coverage and Access June 1, 2012 Issue Brief This policy brief highlights the prevalence of dental problems among children and examines gaps in oral health coverage and access to dental care, as well as disparities by income and race/ethnicity. It also looks at out-of-pocket costs for dental care, explains the role of Medicaid and CHIP in dental care,…
Oral Health in the U.S.: Key Facts June 1, 2012 Fact Sheet This fact sheet provides data on oral health care coverage and access for children, nonelderly adults and Medicaid beneficiaries, including state-by-state data on measures such as the share of adults who have had a dental visit within the past year. Fact Sheet (.pdf)
Black Women in America January 1, 2012 Poll Finding The Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation partnered to conduct a survey examining the opinions of black women around the nation on a wide range of issues including health care. The survey included a large oversample of African Americans to enable accurate analysis of subgroups of this population. This…
Connecting Eligible Immigrant Families to Health Coverage and Care: Key Lessons from Outreach and Enrollment Workers October 1, 2011 Issue Brief Beginning in 2014, health coverage options will significantly expand under health reform through an expansion in Medicaid eligibility and by making tax credits available to help individuals purchase coverage through new Health Benefit Exchanges. Given their high uninsured rate and limited access to private and public coverage, one group who…
Black Residents' Views on HIV/AIDS in the District of Columbia October 1, 2011 Poll Finding This data note examines public opinion among Washington, D.C.’s black residents about HIV/AIDS through a new analysis of the findings of the May 2011 Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation 2011 Survey of District of Columbia Residents. The District of Columbia has one of the highest AIDS rates in the nation, and…
2011 Survey of DC Residents June 1, 2011 Poll Finding The Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation partnered to conduct a survey examining the opinions of Washington, D.C., residents on a wide range of issues including health care. This survey is the 22nd in a series of surveys dating back to 1995 that have been conducted as part of…
Medicaid’s Role for Black Americans May 1, 2011 Fact Sheet This fact sheet examines Medicaid’s role for black Americans. It includes data on Medicaid’s coverage of black Americans and the program’s impact on their access to care, as well as the impacts of the recent recession and the coming expansion of Medicaid under health reform on enrollment in Medicaid among…
Medicaid’s Role for Hispanic Americans May 1, 2011 Fact Sheet This fact sheet examines Medicaid’s role for Hispanic Americans. It includes data on Medicaid’s coverage of Hispanic Americans and the program’s impact on their access to care, as well as the impacts of the recent recession and the coming expansion of Medicaid under health reform on enrollment in Medicaid among…
Today’s Topics In Health Disparities: HHS’ Action Plan to Reduce Health Disparities April 25, 2011 Event Today’s Topics in Health Disparities webcast examined the new Department of Health and Human Services’ Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. The program addressed the contents of the strategy and its timeline for implementation as well as its implications for providers. The panelists also discussed how the…