Kaiser Family Foundation/Princeton Survey Research Associates Study of Media Coverage of Managed Care: January 1990 – June 1997 December 31, 1997 Poll Finding An analysis of media coverage (both print and broadcast) of managed care, from January 1 1990 to June 30, 1997. The study found that early coverage focused on managed care as a business story, and later years focused more on patient care and concerns about backlash. Overall, the media was…
MYTH OR FACT? 1998 Kaiser Family Foundation Survey Of Americans’ Knowledge On Teen Sexual Activity and Pregnancy December 30, 1997 Poll Finding MYTH OR FACT? 1998 Kaiser Family Foundation Survey Of Americans’ Knowledge On Teen Sexual Activity and Pregnancy
The Kaiser/Harvard Health News Index, January/February 1998 December 30, 1997 Poll Finding Health News Index January/February, 1998 The January/February 1998 edition of the Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Health News Index includes questions about major health issues covered in the news, including questions on Abortion, Medicare and Health Care Costs. The survey was based on a national random sample of 1,209 Americans conducted February…
The Kaiser/Harvard Health News Index, November/December 1997 October 30, 1997 Poll Finding The November/December 1997 edition of the Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Health News Index includes questions about major health issues covered by news media, including questions about AIDS and the Health Care Bill of Rights. The survey was based on a national random sample of 1,201 Americans conducted December 4-9, 1997 which…
Kaiser/Harvard National Survey of Americans’ Views on Managed Care-Massachusetts Toplines to National Sample October 30, 1997 Poll Finding Kaiser/Harvard National Survey of Americans’ Views on Managed Care-Massachusetts Toplines to National Sample Note: This publication is not available on our website. However, the data from these surveys is still available through the Public Opinion and Media Research Group. Please email kaiserpolls@kff.org for more information.
Kaiser/Harvard Health News Index, September/October 1997 September 29, 1997 Poll Finding The September/October 1997 edition of the Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Health News Index includes questions about major health stories covered by news media, including questions about AIDS, Condoms in Schools and Tobacco Companies. The survey was based on a national random sample of 1,007 Americans conducted October 17-21, 1997 which measures…
Kaiser/Harvard Health News Index, August 1997 July 30, 1997 Poll Finding The August, 1997 Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Health News Index includes questions about major health issues covered in the news, including questions about the Non-profit and For-profit health care. The survey is based on a national random sample of 1,000 American conducted July 1- 31, 1997. The Health News Index is…
Kaiser/Harvard Health News Index June 1997 May 30, 1997 Poll Finding The June 1997 edition of the Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Health News Index includes questions about major health issues covered in the news,including questions about Late-Term Abortions, Sexual Activity among Teens and the Tobacco Industry. The survey is based on a national random sample of 1,202 Americans conducted from April 28…
Documenting the Power of Television – A Survey of Regular E.R. Viewers about Emergency Contraception May 30, 1997 Poll Finding A national random sample telephone survey of 700 regular ER viewers before and after the April 10th episode, featuring a date rape victim who learns that she still has contraceptive options to help prevent pregnancy, even after having unprotected sex. While in the emergency room, she learns that if she…
Kaiser/Harvard Health News Index, April 1997 March 30, 1997 Poll Finding The April 1997 edition of the Kaiser FamilyFoundation/Harvard Health News Index includes questions about major health issues covered in the news, including questions about Late-Term Abortions, the Morning After Pills and the Tobacco Industry. The survey also features public knowledge of when women think mammogram screenings should begin. The survey…