The Kaiser Family Foundation has launched a new interactive map and dashboard that offers the latest national and state-specific data on women’s health in the United States via comprehensive, easy-to-access state profiles.
State Profiles for Women’s Health allows users to hover over a state in the map to see key facts for women on demographics, health coverage and access to care, sexual health, or pregnancy. Clicking on a state takes users to a dashboard of charts with state-specific data on women’s health, including insurance and Medicaid coverage, poverty, mental health, HIV, cancer, pregnancy, abortions, and use of preventive services. Many indicators provide health care information for women of different racial and ethnic groups.
The profiles draw from multiple sources, including the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Census Bureau. Each chart can be downloaded easily.
For detailed state tables on women’s health status, health care usage, and coverage, see the Foundation’s State Health Facts.