What Issues Will Uninsured People Face with Testing and Treatment for COVID-19? March 16, 2020 Fact Sheet With COVID-19 cases rising in the US, issues surrounding access to testing and treatment for uninsured individuals have taken on heightened importance. Efforts to limit the spread of the coronavirus in the United States are dependent on people who may have been exposed to the virus or who are sick getting tested and seeking medical treatment. However, the uninsured are likely to face significant barriers to testing for COVID-19 and any care they may need should they contract the virus.
Uninsured Most Likely to Delay or Go Without Care or Prescription Drugs Due to Cost December 20, 2019 Slide Many uninsured people do not obtain the treatments their health care providers recommend for them because of the cost of care. In 2018, uninsured nonelderly adults were more than three times as likely as adults with private coverage to say that they postponed or did not get a needed prescription drug due to cost.
Analysis: 4.7 Million Uninsured People Nationally Could Get a No-Premium Bronze Plan in the ACA Marketplace,Though Deductibles Would be High December 10, 2019 News Release As the Affordable Care Act’s open enrollment period nears an end in most areas this week, a new KFF analysis finds that 4.7 million currently uninsured people could get a bronze-level plan for 2020 and pay nothing in premiums after factoring in tax credits, though the deductibles would be high.…
How Many of the Uninsured Can Purchase a Marketplace Plan for Free in 2020? December 10, 2019 Issue Brief This analysis looks at how many of the remaining uninsured are eligible for premium subsidies that are large enough to cover the entire cost of a bronze plan, which is the minimum level of coverage available on the Marketplaces. It estimates 28% of uninsured individuals who could shop on the ACA Marketplace, or 4.7 million people nationwide, are eligible to purchase a bronze plan with $0 premiums after subsidies in 2020.
Addressing Health and Social Needs of California’s Immigrant Families: Lessons Learned from Local Responses and Future Priorities October 28, 2019 Event A flurry of federal activity on immigration rules and policies is affecting health care and coverage for both lawfully residing immigrants and undocumented immigrants in the country, ranging from deportation policies, a revised “public charge” rule, and a new proclamation from President Trump requiring health insurance for entry via immigrant…
Key Facts about Uninsured Adults with Opioid Use Disorder July 15, 2019 Issue Brief This data note describes uninsured nonelderly adults with opioid use disorder, including their demographic characteristics, health status, and access to treatment.
Universal Coverage May Not Mean Everyone Has Health Insurance June 19, 2019 Perspective Universal coverage is a big and important goal. But would absolutely everyone be covered under current proposals? Is it a better rallying cry for Democrats in the primaries or the general election? Drew Altman analyzes these questions in an Axios column.
70% of Uninsured Adults Who Would Become Newly Eligible for Medicaid if Remaining States Expanded Live in 4 States April 19, 2019 Slide Just 4 states are home to 70% of the uninsured adults who would become newly eligible for Medicaid if the 14 remaining states expanded under the Affordable Care Act. Learn more in this Chart of the Week.
The Uninsured and the ACA: A Primer – Key Facts about Health Insurance and the Uninsured amidst Changes to the Affordable Care Act January 25, 2019 Report The Uninsured and the ACA: A Primer provides information on how insurance has changed under the ACA and more recent policy changes, how many people remain uninsured, who they are, and why they lack health coverage. It also summarizes what we know about the impact that a lack of insurance can have on the health outcomes and personal finances and the difference health insurance can make in people’s lives.
Chart of the Week: Who Are California’s Uninsured? January 11, 2019 Slide The latest Chart of the Week provides a look at the socioeconomic breakdown of the uninsured population in California, sourced from KFF’s State Health Facts database.