Ensuring Linguistic Access in Health Care Settings: Legal Rights and Responsibilities December 30, 1997 Report Executive Summary: Ensuring Linguistic Access In Health Care Settings: Legal Rights and Responsibilities
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Access to Medical Diagnosis and Treatment October 30, 1997 Report An Annotated Bibliography of Sentinel ArticlesReport:
A Forum on the Implications of Changes in the Health Care Environment for Native American Health Care July 30, 1997 Report With the assistance of the First Nations Development Institute, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation commissioned several studies of critical issues in Native-American health care. These studies examined the trends shaping the future of Native-American health care; the existing health systems and planning capacity in the Native-American health care system;…
The Four Americas: Government and Social Policy Through the Eyes of America’s Multi-racial and Multi-ethnic Society November 30, 1995 Poll Finding The Four Americas: Government and Social Policy Through the Eyes of America’s Multi-racial and Multi-ethnic SocietyThis report is the first of a series of surveys conducted jointly by The Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard University examining public knowledge, values and beliefs on major issues and challenges facing our nation, such as…