State-by-State Effects of a Ruling for the Challengers in King v. Burwell June 2, 2015 Interactive A map and table showing the number of people now receiving premium subsidies who would lose them if the Court finds for the challengers; the total amount of federal subsidy dollars; the average subsidy (or average premium tax credit) that subsidized enrollees have qualified for; and the average increase in premiums that subsidized enrollees would face if the subsidies are disallowed.
How Have Insurers Fared Under the Affordable Care Act? June 1, 2015 Perspective This analysis tracks the financial performance of insurers in the individual market by evaluating trends in the medical loss ratio (MLR) in the pre-ACA landscape from 2010 to 2013 and estimates the MLR for the first full year of Affordable Care Act implementation in 2014. Findings suggest that although performance varied among insurers, insurers overall had roughly comparable financial performance in 2014 as in recent prior years.
Updated for 2015: Tool Displays By Locality the Share of Potential ACA Federal Marketplace Enrollees That Signed Up June 1, 2015 News Release An interactive tool from the Kaiser Family Foundation is now updated with 2015 data, allowing users to view on a local level the share of potential enrollees who signed up for a health plan in a federally-based marketplace under the Affordable Care Act. With Mapping Marketplace Enrollment, users can also…
The ‘Value’ Trade-Off in High-Deductible Health Plans May 21, 2015 Perspective In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman discusses new Foundation survey findings showing that most consumers see their high deductible health plans as a bad value.
Survey of Non-Group Health Insurance Enrollees, Wave 2 May 21, 2015 Poll Finding The survey is the second in a series exploring the experiences and perceptions of people who purchase their own health insurance, the group perhaps most affected by the Affordable Care Act’s reforms to the individual insurance market and tax subsidies to make such coverage more affordable. It includes people in ACA-compliant plans sold both inside and outside the federal and state marketplaces, as well as those still in non-compliant plans, which took effect prior to January 2014 and in many cases do not comply with all the law’s requirements.
Most People Enrolled in Marketplace Coverage are Satisfied with Plan’s Premiums, Cost-Sharing and Provider Networks, New Survey Finds May 21, 2015 News Release Affordability Remains Significant Concern for Many in Non-Group Plans Following the Affordable Care Act’s second open enrollment period, most people enrolled in marketplace plans report being satisfied with a wide range of their plan’s coverage and features, finds a new Kaiser Family Foundation survey of people who buy their…
Data Note: How Has the Individual Insurance Market Grown Under the Affordable Care Act? May 12, 2015 Issue Brief This data note examines changes in the individual insurance market under the Affordable Care Act. Through analysis of filings by insurers to state insurance departments, the Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that the number of people enrolled in the individual insurance market grew 40 percent from the end-of-year 2013 to the end-of-year 2014 and has likely continued growing in 2015 as well.
Americans’ Health Priorities Diverge From Washington’s Focus on Obamacare May 4, 2015 News Release In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman finds the public’s health-care priorities have more to do with drug costs and other real-world issues people deal with using the health-care system than the ongoing partisan wrangling over the Affordable Care Act. All previous columns by Drew Altman are available…
Americans’ Health Priorities Diverge From Washington’s Focus on Obamacare May 4, 2015 Perspective In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman finds the public’s healthcare priorities have more to do with drug costs and other real world issues people deal with using the health care system than the ongoing partisan wrangling over the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
New Analysis Finds US Individual Insurance Market Grew 46 Percent in First Full Year of Affordable Care Act April 29, 2015 News Release A new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation finds that the nation’s individual insurance market grew 46 percent to 15.5 million people in the first year plans could be purchased through the Affordable Care Act’s marketplaces, which offer premium assistance to low- and moderate-income people. Four states — California, Florida,…