High-Risk Pools as Fallback for High-Cost Patients Require New Rules January 23, 2017 Perspective In this Wall Street Journal Think Tank column, Drew Altman examines how Republicans would “split the risk pools” between the healthier and the sick in their Affordable Care Act replacement plans, using state high risk pools as a fallback for higher cost patients, and examines the steps that would be necessary to make them effective based on prior experience in the states.
New Interactive Map with Local Data: Estimated 2016 ACA Marketplace Enrollment by Congressional District January 10, 2017 News Release As the 115th U.S. Congress deliberates the future of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, a new interactive map from the Kaiser Family Foundation provides estimates of the number of people in each congressional district who enrolled in a 2016 ACA marketplace health plan and the political party of each district’s representative as of January. The analysis also includes maps charting by state the total number of people enrolled under the ACA Medicaid expansion in 2015, along with the political parties of the governors and U.S. senators.
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: Health Care Priorities for 2017 January 6, 2017 Poll Finding The most recent Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds that health care is among the top issues, with the economy and jobs and immigration, Americans want President-elect Donald Trump and the next Congress to address in 2017. As Congressional lawmakers make plans for the future of the Affordable Care Act, the latest survey finds the public is divided on what they would like lawmakers to do when it comes to the 2010 health care law with similar shares saying the next Congress should vote to repeal the law (49%) as saying that it should not vote to repeal it (47%).
Poll: Public Divided on Repealing Obamacare, But Few Want It Repealed Without Replacement Details January 6, 2017 News Release As Congress begins to work on repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, the latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds that one in five Americans (20%) support repeal alone, while three quarters either oppose repeal altogether (47%) or want to wait to repeal the law until the replacement plan’s details…
Repeal of Obamacare Could Cause the ‘Death Spiral’ Critics Warned About December 12, 2016 Perspective Originally published in The Los Angeles Times, this perspective examines the potential implications for the individual market if key parts of the Affordable Care Act were repealed without a replacement plan.
An Estimated 52 Million Adults Have Pre-Existing Conditions That Would Make Them Uninsurable Pre-Obamacare December 12, 2016 News Release A new Kaiser Family Foundation analysis finds that 52 million adults under 65 – or 27 percent of that population — have pre-existing health conditions that would likely make them uninsurable if they applied for health coverage under medical underwriting practices that existed in most states before insurance regulation changes…
Pre-existing Conditions and Medical Underwriting in the Individual Insurance Market Prior to the ACA December 12, 2016 Issue Brief This brief reviews medical underwriting practices by private insurers in the individual health insurance market prior to 2014, and estimates how many American adults could face difficulty obtaining private individual market insurance because of a pre-existing condition if the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare) were repealed or amended and such practices resumed.
Preexisting Conditions and Republican Plans to Replace Obamacare December 9, 2016 Perspective In this Wall Street Journal Think Tank column, Drew Altman discusses new data highlighting why pre-exisitng conditions could be a flashpoint issue in the Affordable Care Act repeal and replace debate.
New State Data: ACA Marketplace Enrollees Receiving Estimated $32.8 Billion in Tax Credits, Which Would be Eliminated Under Repeal of the ACA December 5, 2016 News Release State data from the Kaiser Family Foundation estimate that 9.4 million Americans who bought health plans through Affordable Care Act marketplaces will receive a total of about $32.8 billion in premium tax credits for 2016. A repeal of the health law would eliminate these subsidies.
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: November 2016 December 1, 2016 Poll Finding The November Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, conducted one week after the 2016 presidential election, finds health care played a limited role in voters’ 2016 election decisions. While President-elect Trump and Republican lawmakers have made it clear that one of their top priorities is the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, the survey finds Americans are divided on what they want to see lawmakers do to the health care law. This survey also finds that many of the law’s major provisions continue to be popular, even across party lines.