Health Care Ranks Among Voters’ Top Issues for the 2018 Midterm Elections, But It’s a Lower Priority Among Voters in Battleground States and Districts January 26, 2018 News Release Only One in Three Know the Tax Reform Law Repeals the ACA’s Unpopular Individual Mandate Health care and the economy and jobs top voters’ list as “the most important issue” for Congressional candidates to talk about ahead of November’s midterm elections, but the lineup shifts among voters in states and…
Who can still sign up for 2018 coverage after December 15? January 19, 2018 Fact Sheet This fact sheet highlights the states and situations where consumers can still sign up for a 2018 marketplace plan even though the Dec. 15 deadline for enrolling in states has passed. It includes consumers in states who have extended open enrollment periods, people whose 2017 plan was discontinued, and people who live in or moved from counties affected by this year’s major hurricanes.
ACA Mandate Repeal May Be Less Popular Than GOP Thinks December 5, 2017 Perspective In this Axios column, Drew Altman discusses how public opinion seems to flip on eliminating the individual mandate as part of the tax legislation, from for it to against, when the public considers the consequences.
Implications of Navigator Funding Changes on People with HIV: Navigator Perspectives December 4, 2017 Issue Brief This issue brief analyzes funding data and findings from stakeholder interviews with navigators serving people with HIV to assess the potential impact of navigator grant cuts on this population.
How Premiums Are Changing In 2018 November 29, 2017 Issue Brief Maps illustrate how premiums in Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplaces changed for 2018 by looking at the change in the lowest-cost bronze, silver and gold plans by county; counties where an individual’s tax credit covers the full premium of the lowest-cost bronze plan; and counties where the unsubsidized premium for the lowest-cost gold plan has a lower or comparable premium to the lowest-cost silver plan in 2018.
The Biggest Health Issue We Aren’t Debating November 22, 2017 Perspective In an Axios column, Drew Altman raises a health care issue that isn’t being debated, a large share of the public don’t have the assets to cover the cost sharing in their health plan if they get sick.
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll – November 2017: The Politics of Health Insurance Coverage, ACA Open Enrollment November 17, 2017 Poll Finding This month marks the start of the ACA’s fifth open enrollment period and finds three in ten of the public saying they haven’t heard anything at all about the current open enrollment period. Despite their overall views of the ACA, the majority of the public (61 percent) – including most Democrats (71 percent), independents (58 percent), and half of Republicans (52 percent) – say that because President Trump and Republicans in Congress are now in control of the government, they are responsible for any problems with the health care law moving forward. This month’s tracking poll also examines public support for two variations of a Medicare buy-in proposal.
Poll: Half of the Public Would Blame the Trump Administration if Fewer People Enroll in Marketplace Plans This Year, and Most See President Trump and Republicans As Responsible for the ACA‘s Future November 17, 2017 News Release Majorities of Democrats, Independents and Republicans Would Support Allowing People Younger Than Age 65 to Buy into Medicare Half (50%) of the public would say that if fewer people sign up for marketplace plans during this year’s open enrollment, it is mainly due to the Trump Administration, and most Americans…
2018 Renewal Notices – What Marketplace Consumers Need to Know November 13, 2017 Issue Brief As Open Enrollment for 2018 coverage gets underway, consumers who have health coverage through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace are again receiving renewal notices from their health insurers. Though the insurer renewal notices this year are based on the same model notice required in the past, this year for many consumers, it may be causing significant – and misleading – sticker shock. That is because renewal notices sent by insurers are required to inform consumers what their 2018 monthly premium will be, assuming they receive the same amount of advanced premium tax credit (APTC) next year that they did in 2017. Insurer renewal notices have been required to present information this way since 2014.
ANALYSIS: More than Half of Uninsured People Eligible for Marketplace Insurance Could Pay Less for Health Plan than Individual Mandate Penalty November 9, 2017 News Release A new Kaiser Family Foundation analysis finds that more than half (54% or 5.9 million) of the 10.7 million people who are uninsured and eligible to purchase an Affordable Care Act marketplace plan in 2018 could pay less in premiums for health insurance than they would owe as an individual mandate tax penalty for lacking coverage.