Testimony: Wellness Programs and Nondiscrimination Under Employer-Sponsored Group Health Plans May 8, 2013 Issue Brief This testimony by the Foundation’s Karen Pollitz before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission included background on wellness programs, wellness incentives and nondiscrimination since 1996, and questions and issues related to proposed regulations governing the design and application of wellness programs offered in conjunction with employer-sponsored group health plans.
New Animation Explains Changes Coming for Americans Under Obamacare July 18, 2013 News Release A new animated video features the YouToons as they get ready for Obamacare and explore health insurance changes under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The cartoon serves as a health reform tutorial for consumers and organizations.
Analysis: Tax Credits to Average $2,700 Per Family Next Year for People Who Now Buy Their Own Insurance August 14, 2013 News Release This analysis estimates that Americans currently buying insurance on the individual market would receive $2700 in subsidies (as tax credits) in 2014 under Obamacare. Tax credits are available for qualifying people buying insurance through the new health care marketplaces, or exchanges.
Controlling Health Insurance Premiums: Perspectives from the States, the Federal Government and Industry September 19, 2011 Event The Affordable Care Act creates a process for states and the Department of Health and Human Services to review “unreasonable” premium increases and provide information to consumers about the process. The rules governing this rate review process went into effect September 1, 2011. This briefing by the Kaiser Family Foundation,…
Health Insurance Market Reforms: Pre-Existing Condition Exclusions October 8, 2012 Fact Sheet Insurers pursue multiple strategies to reduce the cost of covering enrollees with pre-existing conditions, or medical conditions and health problems that existed before the individual enrolled in a health plan. One strategy, the pre-existing condition exclusion, allows insurers to refuse to cover any costs associated with care for a pre-existing…
Explaining Health Care Reform: Questions About Health Insurance Exchanges April 1, 2010 Issue Brief The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), signed into law in March 2010, made broad changes to the way health insurance will be provided and paid for in the United States. PPACA created a new mechanism for purchasing coverage called Exchanges, which are entities that will be set up…
Issues for Structuring Interim High-Risk Pools December 30, 2009 Issue Brief One of the first provisions that would be implemented under federal health reform bills in the House and the Senate would establish a national high-risk pool program to offer coverage to otherwise uninsurable individuals during the interim period between enactment and implementation of broader health care reforms. High-risk pools provide…
Statement of Gary Claxton to NAIC Exchanges (B) Subgroup July 22, 2010 Event Kaiser Family Foundation Vice President Gary Claxton, who directs the Foundation’s Marketplace Policy Project, testified July 22, 2010, at a public hearing before the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ Exchanges (B) Subgroup established by the health reform law. Testimony (.pdf)
Mapping Premium Variation in the Individual Market August 1, 2011 Issue Brief This analysis examines how premiums for individual health insurance differ around the nation, finding that premiums can vary substantially from state to state. The average per-person premium in 2010 ranged in cost from approximately $136 per month in Alabama to more than $400 per month in Vermont and Massachusetts. The…