A Consumer Guide to Handling Disputes with Your Employer or Private Health Plan July 30, 2005 Report Most people get their health care through some form of managed care plan – a health maintenance organization, preferred provider organization, or point-of-service option. Most of the time, people receive the care they need, but the potential exists for disagreements over the services that will be provided or paid for…
New Analysis Examines Paid Time Off for Working Mothers when Their Children are Sick October 21, 2014 News Release For many women, missing work when their children have a cold or upset stomach takes a financial toll on family income. A new data note from the Kaiser Family Foundation reports on the number of working mothers who must take unpaid time off when their children are sick and discusses…
Data Note: Balancing on Shaky Ground: Women, Work and Family Health October 20, 2014 Issue Brief Based on findings from a national Kaiser survey, this analysis examines paid time off for working mothers when their children are sick and the disproportionate impact on women with lower incomes and part-time jobs.
How Workers and Employers Diverge on Wellness Programs September 24, 2014 News Release In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman examines employer attitudes and the evidence on wellness programs, and what the prospects for wellness programs are long term. All previous columns by Drew Altman are available online.
Report Examines Potential for Private Health Insurance Exchanges to Change Employer Market September 23, 2014 News Release A new Kaiser Family Foundation report examines private exchanges and how the approach could reshape employer-sponsored health insurance as it gains popularity. These private exchanges have gained currency as new health insurance marketplaces for individuals have begun operating under the Affordable Care Act, though the approaches are quite different. The…
How Workers and Employers Diverge on Wellness Programs September 24, 2014 Perspective In this column for the Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman examines employer attitudes and the evidence on wellness programs.
Interactive Map Shows Recent Evolution of State Policies Shaping Access to Abortion Coverage in Medicaid and Private Insurance September 19, 2014 News Release A new interactive map from the Kaiser Family Foundation provides a broad look at states’ laws shaping access to coverage for abortion in Medicaid and private insurance. The map includes the ability to view snapshots showing the extent of such limitations in states across the nation for the years 2000,…
Examining Private Exchanges in the Employer-Sponsored Insurance Market September 23, 2014 Report This report examines the private health exchange market and its emerging trends and implications as private exchanges gain popularity among employers and health plans. With the potential to reshape the employer-sponsored health insurance landscape, the quickly emerging private exchange market carries important implications for both employers and consumers.