Risk Selection Issues Under Medicare Reform Proposals December 30, 1995 Report This report compares the provisions designed to guard against risk selection among the Medicare population in both the Congressional Balanced Budget Act of 1995 and in the President's budget plan released in December 1995. The report also explores provisions in both that may exacerbate the potential for risk selection.Report:
Searching for Savings in Medicare November 29, 1995 Report This report analyzes trends in Medicare expenditures and considers options to modify the program to control its spending growth. It represents an effort to put in context the types of changes being discussed in the ongoing budget debate and to raise cautions, where appropriate, about various strategies.Report: Searching For Savings…
Medicare Provisions of the House and Senate Budget Bills October 30, 1995 Report A side-by-side comparison of H.R. 2491, the Seven Year Balanced Budget Reconciliation Act of 1995, and S. 1357 Balanced Budget Reconciliation Act of 1995.Report: Medicare Provisions Of The House And Senate Budget Bills: A Side-by-Side Comparison…
Medicaid and the Elderly – Policy Brief September 1, 1995 Issue Brief Medicaid and the ElderlySeptember 1995Medicaid is a crucial health financing program for the elderly population, providing assistance to over 1 in 10 Americans age 65 or older. Nearly four million elderly people receive Medicaid assistance with medical and long-term care expenses. Medicaid's coverage helps low-income elderly people gain access to…
Medicaid and the Elderly August 30, 1995 Issue Brief This policy brief explains the Medicaid's program's relationship to the elderly and provides information on beneficiaries and expenditures. Also discussed is Medicaid coverage of long-term care and nursing home care for the elderly.Policy Brief Policy Brief
Medical Savings Accounts for Medicare Beneficiaries July 30, 1995 Report This report provides an analysis of key issues in the design and implementation of medical savings accounts for the Medicare population. It focuses on benefit design, eligibility, enrollment, risk selection and adjustment, and the effects of managed care.Report:
Analysis of Focus Groups Concerning Managed Care and Medicare April 29, 1995 Report A report and press release summarizing the findings of 14 focus groups held in eight cities nationwide to explore the attitudes and experiences of Medicare beneficiaries in managed care programs, particularly health maintenance organizations (HMOs), and those with traditional fee-for-service coverage, as well as pre-Medicare beneficiaries aged 60-65. A fact…