Women Who Left Welfare: Health Care Coverage, Access, and Use of Health Services June 1, 2002 Report This brief uses the latest available data from the National Survey of America's Families to assess the relationship of health coverage to work status, health, access and use of health services by women who left welfare in 1997 or after and had not returned by 1999.Issue Paper
The New Medicaid and CHIP Waiver Initiatives February 1, 2002 Report A new report describes past waiver activity, the principles of the new HIFA initiative, and related policy implications. Background Paper Appendix: Side-by-Side Comparison
Nursing Home Staffing Standards August 2, 2002 Report This policy brief describes the current federal staffing requirements and how states separately regulate staffing levels in nursing homes. It also presents data showing actual staffing levels in over half of this country’s nursing homes exceed the levels that states and the federal government require.
Dual Eligibles in Nursing Facilities and Medicare Drug Coverage November 1, 2003 Issue Brief This Briefing Note explores the issues presented for the design and administration of a new Medicare drug benefit by dually eligible nursing facility residents.Issue Paper (.pdf)
States’ Concerns About the Medicare Drug Debate and the Fiscal Impact of Shifting the Cost of Dual Eligible Care October 31, 2003 Issue Brief As the U.S. Congress continues to search for an agreement on the form of a Medicare prescription drug benefit, the Commission has two new reports related to the debate. One new publication reports on findings from an October 26 discussion with state Medicaid officials on the implications of a Medicare…
States Strive to Limit Medicaid Expenditures for Prescribed Drugs January 30, 2002 Report A new report presenting year 2000 trends on prescription drug spending, summarizing states options in designing their benefit, and reviewing several ways states are using their flexibility to curb the rate of growth of their Medicaid drug budgets.Background Paper
Medicaid Enrollment and Spending: A View from Two States June 29, 2001 Fact Sheet A fact sheet summarizing Medicaid spending and enrollment trends in Georgia and Rhode Island drawn from a briefing in February 2001.Fact Sheet
Covering the Low-Income Uninsured: Assessing the Alternatives June 29, 2001 Report This issue brief describes and analyzes expansions of Medicaid and SCHIP, tax credits for individually-purchased insurance, and tax credits for employment-based health insurance as options to expand health coverage of the low-income population.Issue Paper
The Wide Circle of Caregiving June 29, 2002 Poll Finding The Kaiser Family Foundation helped conduct a national survey of over 1,000 informal caregivers in 1998 to assess the policy issues involved with this new, growing role for many family members and friends. Nearly one of every four adults (23 percent) is an informal caregiver, and, as the American population…
Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance in California: Current Trends, Future Outlook, and Coverage Expansions — Issue Brief April 29, 2001 Issue Brief A 4-page issue brief that looks at trends in employer-sponsored health insurance coverage in California. The brief also includes public and private sector strategies for expanding employment-based coverage, and discusses how other states have implemented incremental coverage expansions using public programs and financial incentives, with emphasis on New York State.…