Regulation of Private Long-Term Care Insurance: Implementation Experience and Key Issues February 27, 2003 Report Regulation of Private Long-Term Care Insurance: Implementation Experience and Key IssuesWhile private long-term care insurance (LTCI) has been available since the mid-1970s, its popularity has grown rapidly in recent years, and Congress is considering proposals that would further encourage LTCI purchase through expanded tax subsidies. Yet there has been little…
National ADAP Monitoring Project, Annual Report, April 2003 April 2, 2003 Report This report, the seventh in an annual series, provides an overview of the status of state-administered AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs) and documents how these programs are responding to the changing fiscal, clinical and epidemiological dynamics of HIV/AIDS.ADAPs, authorized under Title II of the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency…
Medicaid Programs to Assist Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries: Medicare Savings Programs Case Study Findings May 1, 2003 Report Medicaid Programs to Assist Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries: Medicare Savings Programs Case Study FindingsThis report summarizes the findings of a five state case study examining their actions to bolster enrollment in their Medicare Savings Programs for Medicare beneficiaries who qualify for Medicaid assistance with their premiums and co-insurance. Background Paper
Simplified Eligibility for Children’s Medicaid in Texas: A Status Report at Nine Months December 31, 2002 Report Simplified Eligibility for Children's Medicaid in Texas: A Status Report at Nine MonthsThis report describes the initial success of Texas new law in removing barriers to children's Medicaid participation and provides the baseline information needed to observe and interpret how the next phase of implementation, the EPSDT mandate, will enhance…
Medicaid Eligibility for the Elderly April 29, 1999 Report The purpose of this issue paper is to explain Federal Medicaid eligibility policy for the low-income elderly population and discusses Federal and State policy options to improve coverage.Issue Paper
The Dynamics of Current Medicaid Enrollment Changes December 31, 1997 Report Insights three focus groups consisting mainly of state officials with everyday involvement in welfare and Medicaid eligibility issues. The groups were asked to identify and discuss the important forces and factors behind the overall changes in enrollment.Report Report
The Dynamics of Current Medicaid Enrollment Changes – Report December 31, 1997 Report The Dynamics of Current Medicaid Enrollment ChangesReport available in PDF format.Return to topThe Dynamics of Current Medicaid Enrollment ChangesReport
Immigrant Health Care Conference Call April 30, 2001 Report Federal and state policymakers face a major challenge in addressing the health needs of an increasingly diverse population. That challenge can be even greater in the growing number of cities and states with large immigrant communities. In a Commission-sponsored conference call on May 15, experts on immigrant health issues discussed…
Building Strong Medicaid Managed Care Programs: A Guide To Help Consumer Advocates Participate in Strengthening HIV/AIDS Provisions in Managed Care June 29, 2000 Report This new report, prepared by NAPWA with support of the Foundation, grew out of a key recommendation in the Making Medicaid Managed Care Work report, and is designed to provide people with HIV and their advocates with the tools for understanding Medicaid managed care contracts and for working with states…