Key Facts – Mississippi and the U.S. September 9, 2005 Fact Sheet A fact sheet on the demographics and health coverage of Mississippi’s population. Fact Sheet (.pdf)
Resources Related to Health Coverage and Hurricane Katrina November 29, 2009 Fact Sheet Health Care and Hurricane Katrina As part of the Kaiser Family Foundation’s commitment to help respond to the devastation from Hurricane Katrina, you will find resources related to an ongoing effort to monitor and study the health coverage and needs of the victims. Check back frequently in the coming months…
State Financing of the Medicare Drug Benefit: New Data on the “Clawback” October 31, 2005 Issue Brief State Financing of the Medicare Drug Benefit: New Data on the “Clawback”Beginning in 2006, states will be obligated to finance part of the new Medicare prescription drug benefit via a monthly “clawback” payment to the federal government. This issue update analyzes the latest data and provides an overview of the…
Dual Eligible Home and Community-Based Waiver Program Participants and the New Medicare Drug Benefit October 2, 2005 Issue Brief Dual eligible beneficiaries who participate in Medicaid home and community-based waiver programs usually do not have a centralized care provider to manage their health care benefits and services. For the new Medicare prescription drug benefit, no individual is designated to assist participants with their prescription drug plan selection, comparison of…
Dual Eligibles: Medicaid’s Role for Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries January 31, 2005 Fact Sheet Dual Eligibles: Medicaid’s Role for Low-Income Medicare BeneficiariesThis fact sheet and set of tables describe the over 7 million “dual eligibles,” the low-income elderly and persons with disabilities who are enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid. The fact sheet describes why this population needs Medicaid, what services they receive from…
HIV/AIDS in Georgia November 2, 2004 Report Two reports – “Survey of Georgia Residents on HIV/AIDS” and “Georgia’s Minority Health and Health Disparities Report – Facing a Crisis” – show the disproportionate impact HIV is having on minorities in Georgia, and important differences in how minorities view HIV/AIDS compared to whites. The reports were released at a…
Medicaid Section 1115 Waivers: Current Issues December 30, 2004 Fact Sheet This fact sheet provides a brief introduction to Section 1115 waivers in the Medicaid program and highlights policy issues related to recent waiver activity. Fact Sheet (.pdf)
Building an On-Ramp to Children’s Health Coverage: A Report on California’s Express Lane Eligibility Program September 1, 2004 Report Building an On-Ramp to Children's Health Coverage: A Report on California's Express Lane Eligibility ProgramThis report documents the results from California’s Express Lane Eligibility (ELE) initiative through the school lunch program (now one year into implementation), which has been piloted in 72 schools in 5 school districts in the state.…
Coverage Gains Under Recent Section 1115 Waivers: A Data Update July 31, 2005 Issue Brief This brief assesses the extent to which recent Section 1115 waivers have helped reduce the number of uninsured people and finds that there has been a net gain in coverage of 426,329 people under recent waivers.Issue Paper (.pdf)
Ten Myths About Medicaid July 25, 2005 Issue Brief This issue brief outlines ten key myths and related facts about Medicaid.