Medicaid in California: The Impact of Congressional Medicaid Changes September 29, 1995 Issue Brief This policy brief provides a summary of Medi-cal (California's Medicaid program) and explores what impact Congressional Medicaid changes may have on California.Policy Brief: Medicaid In California: The Impact Of Congressional Medicaid Changes
Medicaid Expenditures and Beneficiaries: National and State Profiles and Trends, 1990-1995 October 30, 1997 Report Report Report Chart Pack Chart Pack
Olmstead at Five: Assessing the Impact June 1, 2004 Report This report examines the impact of Olmstead v. L.C. five years after the United States Supreme Court’s 1999 landmark decision. The analysis brings together new research with a synthesis of research undertaken over the past five years, to help policymakers and program administrators understand the meaning of the Americans with…
The Impact of Recent Changes in Health Care Coverage for Low-Income People: A First Look at the Research Following Changes in Oregon’s Medicaid Program May 30, 2004 Issue Brief The Impact of Recent Changes in Health Care Coverage for Low-Income People: A First Look at the Research Following Changes in Oregon's Medicaid ProgramOregon recently restructured its Medicaid program through a Section 1115 waiver and other program changes, largely in response to particularly difficult state budget problems. This report summarizes…
Summary Of Early Observations Of The Transition Of Immigrant Families From A Medicaid Look-Alike Program To Basic Health In Washington State April 30, 2004 Issue Brief In 2002, the state of Washington eliminated state-funded Medicaid look-alike coverage for certain immigrant families. These families then became eligible for more limited coverage in the state's Basic Health program. This report details the process of this transition and the outcomes for coverage and access for these individuals.Research Brief (.pdf)
Health Care One Year After Hurricane Katrina July 30, 2006 Event Health Care One Year After Hurricane Katrina Extended interviews with survivors and a related film, “Voices of the Storm: Health Care After Katrina,” are available below. August 29, 2006, marks the first anniversary of Hurricane Katrina’s catastrophic landfall. The Kaiser Family Foundation continues its commitment to help respond to the…
Medicaid’s Federal-State Partnership: Alternatives for Improving Financial Integrity – Summary of Issues, Approaches, and Alternatives for Reform February 28, 2004 Report In this report from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, Penny Thompson, former deputy director for the Center for Medicaid and State Operations, used existing models from the private sector and other government programs to assess Medicaid’s financial management and to develop options for improvement. This table summarizes…
Citizenship Documentation Requirements in The Deficit Reduction Act Of 2005: Lessons From New York May 31, 2006 Report Citizenship Documentation Requirements in The Deficit Reduction Act Of 2005: Lessons From New YorkNew York State is one of only four states in the nation that already requires documentation of citizenship for Medicaid applicants (the others are Georgia, Montana and New Hampshire), and the only state with significant implementation experience.…
Medicaid Enrollment & Spending Trends October 10, 2007 Fact Sheet Medicaid Enrollment and Spending TrendsThis fact sheet summarizes trends of enrollment and spending in the Medicaid program from 2000 to 2006. Fact Sheet, October 2007 (.pdf) Previous Versions: May 2006 (.pdf) June 2005 (.pdf) February 2001 (.pdf) September 1999 (.pdf) October 1998 (.pdf)
Who Needs Medicaid? April 1, 2006 Issue Brief This brief reviews Medicaid’s current eligibility structure and the health needs of the people covered by Medicaid. Due to the trends of limited and declining access to private health coverage in the low-income population and the growing health and long-term care demands of an aging population, a broader model for…