Medicaid Spending and Enrollment: State and National Data Update March 1, 2006 Report This series of tables provides recent data on state-by-state and national Medicaid spending and enrollment.Using the latest federal information sources available, the first set of tables contains information on Medicaid spending by service using data from the Centers on Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) Form 64 for Federal Fiscal Year…
Dual Eligibles: Medicaid’s Role for Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries May 1, 2011 Fact Sheet This updated fact sheet describes the nearly 8.9 million “dual eligibles,” the low-income elderly and persons with disabilities who are enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid, why this population needs Medicaid, what services they receive from Medicaid, and what the new health reform law may mean for them. Fact Sheet (.pdf)
Private Long-Term Care Insurance: A Viable Option for Low and Middle-Income Seniors? January 31, 2006 Issue Brief In the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, the federal government made it harder for individuals to qualify for Medicaid nursing home benefits by increasing penalties on individuals who have transferred assets for less than fair market value during the past five years and by making individuals with home equity above…
Insights on Transitioning From Medicaid to the New Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit November 30, 2005 Report The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured convened a focus group of state Medicaid officials in November 2005 to discuss the impact of the new Medicare drug program on states and Medicaid enrollees. State insights on the transition of dual eligibles and some beneficiary experiences are discussed in new…
Strategies to Keep Consumers Needing Long-Term Care in the Community and Out of Nursing Facilities October 1, 2005 Report In recent years states have been trying to shift resources from institutional to home and community based long-term care services. This report examines “transition” and “diversion” policies and practices in eight states. It provides a sense of what state Medicaid programs are doing or could be doing to promote diversion.Report…
In a Time of Growing Need: State Choices Influence Health Coverage Access for Children and Families September 30, 2005 Poll Finding The annual 50-state survey of enrollment and eligibility policies in Medicaid and SCHIP for low-income families reveals that 20 states are taking actions to simplify procedures and requirements for beneficiaries and, in some cases, expand eligibility. Report (.pdf) Executive Summary (.pdf)
Medicaid and Budget Reconciliation; Options and Implications of Savings Proposals September 29, 2005 Issue Brief Medicaid and Budget Reconciliation: Options and Implications of Savings ProposalsThis issue brief examines the context for federal Medicaid savings proposals, emerging themes for savings and the potential impact on Medicaid beneficiaries, states and providers. Issue Brief (.pdf)
Women and Health Care: A National Profile – Report June 29, 2005 Report Report – Women and Health Care: A National ProfileWomen and Health Care: A National Profile is a nationally representative telephone survey of 2,766 women ages 18 and older. A shorter companion survey of 507 men was also conducted.Full Report (.pdf)Report Highlights (.pdf)Introduction and Methods (.pdf)Chapter 1: The Demographics of Women…
National Survey of the Public’s Views About Medicaid – Chartpack June 1, 2005 Report This chartpack provides key findings from the national survey of the public on their views about Medicaid. The survey was conducted in April and May of 2005. The survey includes findings on Americans' personal experience with Medicaid, their knowledge of the program, and their opinion about the program's coverage and…
Stresses to the Safety Net: The Public Hospital Perspective May 30, 2005 Report The nation’s safety net financing is fragmented; consequently, providers must knit together resources from many different funding sources to create a stream of revenue to cover the costs of providing a very broad range of services. This report describes those sources of revenue, documenting that nearly 40% of all safety…