Consumer Direction of Personal Assistance Services Programs in Medicaid: Insights from Enrollees in Four States March 1, 2008 Report Consumer Direction of Personal Assistance Services Programs in Medicaid: Insights from Enrollees in Four StatesMedicaid consumer direction of personal assistance services (CD-PAS) is a growing trend. Although overall enrollment in these programs is small, 42 states offered consumer direction in Medicaid in 2006. These programs allow Medicaid beneficiaries control over…
NPR/Kaiser/Harvard Survey: Public Views on SCHIP Reauthorization: Chartpack September 30, 2007 Poll Finding This chartpack presents key findings from an October 2007 survey conducted jointly by NPR, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and the Harvard School of Public Health on the public’s views and opinions of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program and the pending legislation surrounding its reauthorization. Chartpack (.pdf)
An Overview of Medicaid Enrollees with Diabetes in 2003 September 29, 2007 Issue Brief Diabetes was the sixth leading cause of death in the US in 2004 and is among the top 10 most expensive medical conditions on the country. Although more than one in seven diabetics in America rely on the Medicaid program for their health coverage, little is known about who they…
Enrolling Children in Medicaid and SCHIP: Insights From Focus Groups With Low-Income Parents April 30, 2007 Report This focus group report explores the perceptions, motivations, and experiences of low-income parents enrolling their children in Medicaid and SCHIP. The 11 focus groups were conducted in Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles and Miami in early 2007. Report (.pdf)
The Impact of Part D on Dual Eligibles Who Spend-Down to Medicaid April 30, 2007 Issue Brief Individuals with incomes exceeding thresholds for regular Medicaid eligibility may qualify under state medically needy programs by spending down excess income on healthcare services. For the vulnerable population of Medicare beneficiaries who spend down to Medicaid, the Part D transition has added additional complexities that may result in disruptions in…
Giving Voice to the People of New Orleans: The Kaiser Post-Katrina Baseline Survey April 30, 2007 Poll Finding This house-to-house survey of people living in the New Orleans area examines the ongoing struggles of residents seeking to recover from the Hurricane Katrina disaster, including a detailed look at differences in views and experiences by race. Designed and analyzed by researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation, the survey provides…
New Study Shows Medicaid Spending Growth Can Be Sustained By Expected Increases in Government Revenues February 1, 2007 Event A new study from the Foundation’s Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, published in Health Affairs, concludes that expected growth in government revenues is likely to be large enough to sustain Medicaid spending increases over the next 40 years, while also allowing substantial real growth in spending for other…
Resuming the Path to Health Coverage for Children and Parents: A 50-State Update on Eligibility Rules, Enrollment and Renewal Procedures, and Cost-Sharing Practices in Medicaid and SCHIP in 2006 December 30, 2006 Poll Finding Maintaining and expanding health coverage for children and parents will likely be in the forefront of health care policy debates in Washington and state capitols in 2007. With states generally in better financial shape since the fiscal crisis earlier in the decade, many have expressed interest in improving access to…
Medicaid and Long-Term Care: Recent Publications Illuminate Key Policy Issues December 19, 2006 Fact Sheet With recent policy debates about the future of Medicaid, the Foundation’s Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured has created a resource page of recent publications that address key policy issues when examining Medicaid’s role for high cost populations and in long-term care. Of particular interest are a report profiling…
The Public’s Health Care Agenda for the New Congress and Presidential Campaign, December 2006 November 29, 2006 Poll Finding This Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health National Survey looks at the public’s priorities and views on health issues as a new Democratic majority takes the leadership of Congress and as the 2008 presidential campaign begins to take shape. It focuses, in particular, on differences and similarities among Democrats,…