Women and Health Care: A National Profile June 29, 2005 Report A new national survey of women on their health finds that a substantial percentage of women cannot afford to go to the doctor or get prescriptions filled. Although a majority of women are in good health and satisfied with their health care, many have health problems and do not get…
Medicaid: An Overview of Spending on “Mandatory” vs. “Optional” Populations and Services May 30, 2005 Issue Brief Medicaid: An Overview of Spending on “Mandatory” vs. “Optional” Populations and ServicesThis issue brief provides an overview of Medicaid’s optional beneficiaries and services. The brief demonstrates that although “optional” populations account for only 29 percent of Medicaid enrollment, 60 percent of all Medicaid expenditures for both “mandatory” and “optional” populations…
MaineCare and Its Role in Maine’s Healthcare System March 2, 2005 Report This paper explores the role of MaineCare, Maine’s Medicaid program, in the state’s health care system and the relationship between MaineCare and the Dirigo Health plan that the state approved in 2003.Report (.pdf)
Navigating Medicare and Medicaid: A Resource Guide for People with Disabilities, Their Families, and Their Advocates January 30, 2005 Report Navigating Medicare and Medicaid: Resource Guides for People with Disabilities, Their Families, and Their AdvocatesThese guides explain the critical role Medicare and Medicaid have come to play in the lives and the futures of roughly 20 million children, adults, and seniors with disabilities – and give people with disabilities new…
Financing Health Coverage: The State Children’s Health Insurance Program Experience January 30, 2005 Issue Brief Financing Health Coverage: The State Children’s Health Insurance Program Experience Enactment of SCHIP sought a balance between increasing funds available for coverage and limiting total federal outlays. While SCHIP has had widespread support and success in helping to provide coverage for uninsured children, its capped financing system has also…
Implications of the Medicare Modernization Act for States: Observations from a Focus Group Discussion with Medicaid Director – Report January 1, 2005 Report Implications of The Medicare Modernization Act For States: Observations from a Focus Group Discussion with Medicaid DirectorsThis report summarizes a discussion with a group of state Medicaid officials about the impact of the Medicare prescription drug benefit on state Medicaid programs. Report (.pdf)
Enrollment Increases in State CHIP Programs: December 1998 to June 1999 July 2, 1999 Report A new survey of state officials, conducted by Vernon Smith of Health Management Associates for the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, found that the number of children enrolled in stateCHIP programs has grown to more than 1.3 million in June 1999 from about 835,000 in December 1998. The…
The Changing Medicaid Managed Care Market April 29, 1999 Report Trends in Commercial Plans' ParticipationThis background paper analyzes the trends in commercial plan participation in the Medicaid market by using a database specifically designed for this purpose. It examines changes from mid-1996 to mid-1997 in the types of full-risk plans serving Medicaid Beneficiaries. It also looks at trends through mid-1998…
Managed Care and Low-Income Populations: Four Years’ Experience with TennCare September 1, 1999 Report Managed Care and Low-Income Populations: Four Years’ Experience with TennCare This report updates an earlier study of Tennessee’s experience with restructuring their Medicaid programs. It is one of a series of reports from The Kaiser/ Commonwealth Low-Income Coverage and Access Project. This project examines how changes in the Medicaid program…
Marketing and Privacy Issues: An Analysis of the MMA and Proposed Regulations September 2, 2004 Issue Brief This paper, by Joy Pritts of the Health Policy Institute at Georgetown University, looks at issues related to drug plan marketing activities and privacy under the MMA.Issue Brief (.pdf)