National Survey of the Public’s Views About Medicaid – Chartpack June 1, 2005 Report This chartpack provides key findings from the national survey of the public on their views about Medicaid. The survey was conducted in April and May of 2005. The survey includes findings on Americans' personal experience with Medicaid, their knowledge of the program, and their opinion about the program's coverage and…
Stresses to the Safety Net: The Public Hospital Perspective May 30, 2005 Report The nation’s safety net financing is fragmented; consequently, providers must knit together resources from many different funding sources to create a stream of revenue to cover the costs of providing a very broad range of services. This report describes those sources of revenue, documenting that nearly 40% of all safety…
A Medicaid Perspective on Medical Support Cooperation: A Study of Procedures in Five States April 1, 2005 Report This report examines how medical support requirements impact parents applying for Medicaid coverage for themselves and their children. The report draws from case studies of medical support procedures obtained in five states: Arizona, Connecticut, Minnesota, South Carolina and Wisconsin.Report (.pdf)
Current Issues in Medicaid Financing March 31, 2005 Report In recent years there has been much discussion about states’ use of creative financing to draw down additional federal funds for Medicaid financing. Some suggest a curb on these practices and the President’s FY2006 budget includes provisions targeting intergovernmental transfers (IGTs). The Commission has produced a fact sheet and briefs…
One State’s Medicaid Managed Care Formulary Operations: A Look at Pennsylvania, 2001-2002 February 28, 2005 Report One State’s Medicaid Managed Care Formulary Operations: A Look at Pennsylvania, 2001-2002 This report examines formulary implementation under mandatory Medicaid managed care in Pennsylvania between 2001 and 2002. It looks at one state during a yearlong period; formulary operations are likely to vary across states and programs and over time.…
Health Coverage for Low-Income Adults: Eligibility and Enrollment in Medicaid and State Programs, 2002 February 27, 2005 Issue Brief Health Coverage for Low-Income Adults: Eligibility and Enrollment in Medicaid and State Programs, 2002This policy brief provides new information on the number and characteristics of nonelderly adults eligible for Medicaid and other public coverage and on their enrollment. Because low-income adults often work at jobs that do not offer employer-sponsored…
Medicaid Financing Issues: Intergovernmental Transfers and Fiscal Integrity January 31, 2005 Fact Sheet Medicaid Financing Issues: Intergovernmental Transfers and Fiscal IntegritySince its enactment in 1965, Medicaid has been a joint venture between the states and the federal government. While each state administers its own Medicaid program within broad federal guidelines, the federal government provides over half of the program’s financing. As a result,…
Medicaid Enrollment in 50 States June 2003 Update October 2, 2004 Report This report provides Medicaid enrollment data as of June 2003 for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.Report (.pdf)
Medicaid and Other Public Programs for Low-Income Childless Adults: An Overview of Coverage in Eight States – Background State Reports August 30, 2004 Report Medicaid and Other Public Programs for Low-Income Childless Adults: An Overview of Coverage in Eight StatesBackground State ReportsDistrict of Columbia (.pdf)Maine (.pdf)Massachusetts (.pdf)Minnesota (.pdf)New York (.pdf)Oregon (.pdf)Pennsylvania (.pdf)Washington (.pdf)
Checking Up on Children’s Health Coverage: A Progress Report on Medicaid and SCHIP July 1, 2004 Report Checking Up on Children's Health Coverage: A Progress Report on Medicaid and SCHIPAt a July 23, 2004 Washington, DC policy briefing two new Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured reports show State Children's Health Insurance Program enrollment declined in the second half of 2003 and examine what led to…