Section 12: Employer Opinions and Health Management Programs (continued) August 27, 2004 Report Exhibit 12.1Exhibit 12.6Exhibit 12.2Exhibit 12.7Exhibit 12.3Exhibit 12.8Exhibit 12.4Exhibit 12.9Exhibit 12.5
Section 12: Employer Opinions and Health Management Programs August 27, 2004 Report Exhibit 12.1Exhibit 12.6Exhibit 12.2Exhibit 12.7Exhibit 12.3Exhibit 12.8Exhibit 12.4Exhibit 12.9Exhibit 12.5 12 Kaiser Family Foundation, Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. Health Insurance Coverage in America, 2002 Data Update, December 2003.13 These answers are not exclusive: 11% of firms that shopped switched both carrier and type of health plan offered.
Section 11: Retiree Health Benefits August 27, 2004 Report Exhibit 11.1Exhibit 11.4Exhibit 11.2Exhibit 11.5Exhibit 11.3 11 Twenty-eight percent of Medicare beneficiaries receive prescription drug coverage from an employer, a far higher number than receive coverage through a Medicare HMO (15%), Medigap (7%) or Medicaid (10%). Laschober et. al., Health Affairs, February 2002.
Section 10: Plan Funding August 27, 2004 Report Exhibit 10.1Exhibit 10.5Exhibit 10.2Exhibit 10.6Exhibit 10.3Exhibit 10.7Exhibit 10.4 10 A self-funded plan is one in which the employer assumes direct responsibility for the costs of enrollees’ medical claims. Employers sponsoring self-funded plans typically contract with a third-party administrator or insurer to provide administrative services for the self-funded plan.
Section 9: Prescription Drugs and Mental Health Benefits August 27, 2004 Report Exhibit 9.1Exhibit 9.5Exhibit 9.2Exhibit 9.6Exhibit 9.3Exhibit 9.7Exhibit 9.4Exhibit 9.89 There are fewer observations for estimating the average copayment for four-tier drugs compared to other drug types.
Section 8: Health Benefits August 27, 2004 Report Exhibit 8.1Exhibit 8.4Exhibit 8.2Exhibit 8.5Exhibit 8.3
Section 6: Employee Contributions for Premiums August 27, 2004 Report Exhibit 6.1Exhibit 6.9Exhibit 6.2Exhibit 6.10Exhibit 6.3Exhibit 6.11Exhibit 6.4Exhibit 6.12Exhibit 6.5Exhibit 6.13Exhibit 6.6Exhibit 6.14Exhibit 6.7Exhibit 6.15Exhibit 6.8
Section 5: Market Shares of Health Plans August 27, 2004 Report The distribution of enrollment among types of health plans has remained fairly constant over the past several years. The majority of covered workers are enrolled in PPO plans (55%), followed by HMO plans (25%) (Exhibit 5.1). Although annual changes in plan enrollment have been moderate, enrollment in PPO plans has…
Section 4: Health Insurance Choice August 26, 2004 Report Exhibit 4.1Exhibit 4.6Exhibit 4.2Exhibit 4.7Exhibit 4.3Exhibit 4.8Exhibit 4.4Exhibit 4.9Exhibit 4.5Exhibit 4.105Survey respondents were asked whether the firm offers a personal or health savings account, including a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) or other type of health savings account option.6There are several savings account options permitted under the law, including health reimbursement…