COVID-19 Vaccination and Parental Consent May 26, 2021 Blog Updated Data on State Parental Consent Laws for COVID-19 Vaccination Available Here. With the recent authorization of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents, ages 12-15, a group that totals almost 17 million, the next phase of the U.S. vaccination effort has begun. Authorization for even younger children is expected as early…
Mental Health and Substance Use Considerations Among Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic May 26, 2021 Issue Brief This brief explores factors contributing to poor mental health and substance use outcomes among children during the pandemic, highlighting groups of children who are particularly at risk and barriers to accessing child and adolescent mental health care.
The Pandemic’s Impact on Children’s Mental Health May 26, 2021 News Release The pandemic has taken a heavy toll on the nation’s mental health, and a new issue brief shows that children are also facing worsening emotional and cognitive health. The brief examines factors contributing to worsening mental health and substance use outcomes among children and adolescents during the pandemic, looking closely…
Persistent Vaccine Myths May 26, 2021 Perspective With news that the country has now vaccinated half of its population with at least one dose, This Drew Altman Axios column highlights the persistent COVID-19 vaccine myths that are believed by a substantial portion of the unvaccinated population and discusses the options to address vaccine misinformation.
Putting U.S. Global COVID-19 Vaccine Donations in Context May 25, 2021 Blog While some have praised the most recent U.S. donation announcement as an important development, others have said the U.S. could do much more, pointing to the large supply of doses the U.S. is building up and the slowing demand for vaccinations in the country. In this policy watch, we sought to put the U.S. pledge of 80 million doses in further context.
We aren’t getting a national vaccine ‘passport.’ So let’s use the next best thing: CDC vaccination cards. May 25, 2021 Perspective In this op-ed for The Washington Post, Drew Altman suggests a way out of the heated debate about a COVID-19 vaccination passport to help provide clarity about who is vaccinated and who still ought to wear masks in public spaces or the workplace by using something that already exists– CDC vaccination cards.
Role of Mothers in Assuring Children Receive COVID-19 Vaccinations May 24, 2021 Issue Brief This brief discusses the role that mothers play in managing children’s health care needs and mothers’ attitudes and concerns about COVID-19 vaccinations.
May 20 Web Event: Latinos and the Nation’s COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout May 20, 2021 Event New Campaign from THE CONVERSATION / LA CONVERSACIÓN to Address Information Needs in the Community KFF and UnidosUS presented an interactive web event on Thursday, May 20th on the latest insights on what is working and what barriers must be overcome in ensuring equitable access to the COVID-19 vaccines for…
Key Questions: HIV and COVID-19 May 20, 2021 Issue Brief This brief examines and summarizes what we know about COVID-19 and HIV including, what we know about COVID-19 risk, disease severity, vaccination, and federal response. It also explores how people with HIV are overly represented in many of the demographic groups hardest hit by the pandemic.
New Campaign from THE CONVERSATION / LA CONVERSACIÓN Responds to Information Needs about COVID-19 Vaccines Among Latinos and Spanish-speaking People in U.S. May 20, 2021 News Release News Release May 20, 2021 – THE CONVERSATION / LA CONVERSACIÓN expands to address information needs about the COVID-19 vaccines in the Latinx community with new videos featuring doctors, nurses and promotoras (community health workers) in English and Spanish. This installment of the campaign is produced by KFF (Kaiser Family…