Prescription Drug Costs Remain Atop the Public’s National Health Care Agenda, Well Ahead of Affordable Care Act Revisions and Repeal October 28, 2015 News Release 28% of Public Report Asking Doctor about a Drug They Saw Advertised, and 12% Say Their Doctor Prescribed It Few Workers Expect Raises if Employers Reduce Health Benefits to Avoid Cadillac Tax as Many Economists Predict With some presidential candidates laying out details of their health care platforms, the cost…
Visualizing Health Policy: Primary Care Practitioners’ Perspectives on Delivery System Changes November 24, 2015 Infographic This infographic takes a look at primary care practioners’ (PCPs’) perspectives on recent changes to the health care delivery system.
Majority of Public Says Congress Should Act to Close Gaps if the Supreme Court Bars Financial Help for Purchasing Insurance in States Relying on; Most in Potentially Affected States Want Their State To Set Up Its Own Marketplace if Needed January 28, 2015 News Release Views Mixed on Changes to Definition of Full-Time Work For Employer Mandate, with More Opposed than Supportive, And a Third Saying They Don’t Know Enough to Say Public Remains Divided Over Next Steps for the Affordable Care Act, Though Most Expect Major or Minor Changes under GOP Congress this Year…
Kaiser Health Policy News Index: November 2014 November 21, 2014 Poll Finding The Kaiser Health Policy News Index is designed to help journalists and policymakers understand which health policy-related news stories Americans are paying attention to, and what the public understands about health policy issues covered in the news. According to this month’s index, the public remains captivated by news coverage of the Ebola virus. Fewer, but still substantial shares, report following the conflicts in Iraq and Syria and the results of the midterm elections.
Health-Care Deductibles Climbing Out of Reach March 11, 2015 Perspective In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman explores the trend of higher deductibles in health plans and discusses a new analysis showing that many people with private insurance don’t have sufficient financial resources to pay a mid- or high-range deductible.
New Reports Analyze Cost Sharing in 2015 ACA Marketplace Plans in 37 States February 11, 2015 News Release Charts Examine Savings from Subsidies at Stake in U.S. Supreme Court Case Cost-sharing subsidies under the Affordable Care Act can substantially reduce deductibles and other cost sharing for people with low incomes purchasing coverage in the federally-facilitated insurance marketplace serving 37 states, a new analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation…
2023 Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator October 27, 2022 Interactive The Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator, updated with 2023 premium data, provides estimates of health insurance premiums and subsidies for people purchasing insurance on their own in health insurance exchanges (or “Marketplaces”) created by the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Kaiser Family Foundation/NBC News Survey Questions September 30, 2013 Poll Finding The Kaiser Family Foundation partnered with NBC News to ask several survey questions of the U.S. public about their feelings towards the 2010 health care law, as well as their worries about affording health care more generally. These questions were asked as part of the September 2013 Kaiser Health Tracking…
Americans’ Health Priorities Diverge From Washington’s Focus on Obamacare May 4, 2015 News Release In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman finds the public’s health-care priorities have more to do with drug costs and other real-world issues people deal with using the health-care system than the ongoing partisan wrangling over the Affordable Care Act. All previous columns by Drew Altman are available…