The Health Wonk Shop
KFF’s Health Wonk Shop is a series of virtual conversations with experts, hosted by Larry Levitt, KFF’s executive vice president for health policy, that focus on timely health policy issues, going beyond the headlines for deeper discussion and perspectives.
You can sign up to receive notifications of upcoming events and recordings of prior discussions, watch previous episodes on demand, or listen to the conversations via the podcast.
The Health Wonk Shop: What’s Next for the Affordable Care Act?
The Health Wonk Shop: What the 2024 Election Could Mean for Health Coverage, Affordability, and the Budget
The Health Wonk Shop: Beyond Chevron – How the Court’s Decision Will Change Health Policy Legislating and Rulemaking
The Health Wonk Shop: What’s Behind the Buzz about Site-Neutral Payments?
Subscribe to the podcast to listen to Health Wonk Shop discussions on the go.
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