Nursing Facility Staff Vaccinations, Boosters, and Shortages After Vaccination Deadlines Passed May 16, 2022 Issue Brief This analysis uses nursing facility-level data reported by the federal government to track the increase in vaccination rates among nursing facility staff nationally and by state between August 2021 (when the vaccine mandate was first announced) and March 27th, 2022 (after the vaccine deadline for health workers had passed in all states). Additionally, this analysis provides state-level information on booster rates among nursing home staff and the prevalence of staffing shortages after all vaccination deadlines had passed.
1 in 5 Parents of Children Under 5 Intend to Get Them a COVID-19 Vaccine Right Away Once Eligible; Most Say Approval Delays Have Not Shaken Their Confidence in Vaccine’s Safety and Effectiveness May 4, 2022 News Release About a Third of the Public Thinks the Nation is Facing a New COVID-19 Wave as Cases Rise About a fifth (18%) of parents with children under age 5 say they intend to get their child vaccinated “right away” once federal regulators authorize its use for their child’s age group,…
KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: April 2022 May 4, 2022 Poll Finding This Vaccine Monitor survey finds about one in five parents of children under age five say they will get their child vaccinated right away, and another 38% plan to wait and see how the vaccine is working for others. With mask mandates lifted in many areas. most workers say they feel safe at their workplace, though Black, Hispanic and low-income workers are less likely to feel “very safe.”
Many Uninsured People Could Lose Access to Free COVID-19 Testing, Treatment, and Vaccines as Federal Funding Runs Out March 28, 2022 News Release With an impasse in Congress over additional COVID-19 emergency funding, uninsured people could lose access to free testing and treatment services, a new KFF brief explains. For people without health insurance, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) COVID-19 Uninsured Program has reimbursed hospitals, doctors and other providers for the…
Implications of the Lapse in Federal COVID-19 Funding on Access to COVID-19 Testing, Treatment, and Vaccines March 28, 2022 Issue Brief A current impasse in Congress threatens continued funding for COVID-19 testing, treatment, and vaccines. The lack of additional federal COVID-19 funding has broad implications for access to these services, particularly for the uninsured, and could undermine efforts to ensure equitable access to these resources.
KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: Views on the U.S. Role In Global COVID-19 Response March 25, 2022 Poll Finding This Vaccine Monitor survey shows the public is largely supportive of the U.S. role in distributing COVID-19 vaccines globally, as well as other response efforts including the distribution of masks and COVID-19 rapid tests.
New KFF Analysis Finds That the U.S. Government Does Not Currently Have Enough Vaccine Doses to Fully Cover Every American with a 4th Dose March 25, 2022 News Release With funding for additional COVID-19 support at a stalemate in Congress, a new KFF analysis looks at potential scenarios that United States might face if a 4th COVID-19 vaccine dose is recommended to the public. The analysis finds that the U.S. government does not have enough funding to purchase vaccine…
Are There Enough COVID-19 Vaccines for America Without More Funding? March 25, 2022 Issue Brief This Data Note estimates how far the current U.S. supply of COVID-19 vaccines could stretch under different vaccination and booster scenarios. While estimated U.S. COVID-19 vaccine supply needs vary widely depending on assumptions and how many people choose to get vaccinated, this analysis indicates that under a plausible set of scenarios where 4th doses are recommended, the federal government is unlikely to have enough doses already purchased to cover the U.S. population.
Vaccinating the World: How Does the U.S. Stack Up Against Other Donors? March 3, 2022 Issue Brief This analysis looks at the amount of funding for vaccines and the number of vaccine doses that have been donated to the global COVID-19 vaccine effort and standardizes these donations based on the size of donor economies.
KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: February 2022 March 1, 2022 Poll Finding Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, the public is split on their readiness to return to normal, with many worried about the consequences of lifting restrictions and of not lifting them. At this point, the pandemic is not a top issue for voters in November’s midterm elections . Most parents are not confident in the safety of the vaccine for kids under 5.