Health Affairs Blog: What US Budget Cuts To Global Health Could Mean For Future Funding July 26, 2017 Perspective In a Health Affairs blog post, Jen Kates and Adam Wexler of the Kaiser Family Foundation and Nafis Sadat and Joseph Dieleman of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation assess what cuts to U.S. global health funding as proposed in the Trump Administration FY 2018 budget request might mean in the…
How Many Foreign NGOs Are Subject to the Expanded Mexico City Policy? December 4, 2017 Issue Brief This brief looks at one of the key outstanding questions about the potential impact of the expanded Mexico City Policy (or “Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance”): the size of the universe of affected NGOs.
New Issue Brief Examines Corruption and Global Health May 8, 2015 News Release A new Kaiser Family Foundation brief explores what’s known and understood about how corruption overseas affects U.S. global health programs, including the challenges in measuring and quantifying the problem. The brief summarizes a roundtable discussion of experts convened by the Foundation. Key themes of the discussion included how more could be…
Foreign NGO Engagement in U.S. Global Health Efforts: Foreign NGOs Receiving USG Support Through USAID May 11, 2015 Report This report provides an analysis of foreign (non-U.S.-based) non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that received global health funding from the U.S. government (USG) during FY 2013. It specifically focuses on funding provided to NGOs by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the largest implementer of global health activities among USG agencies and departments.
Corruption and Global Health: Summary of a Policy Roundtable May 8, 2015 Issue Brief Global health efforts, like all development programs, are vulnerable to corruption. The Kaiser Family Foundation convened a roundtable of experts for a policy discussion on the topic of corruption and global health. The roundtable discussion focused on the magnitude of the problem corruption represents for global health, if current anti-corruption policies and programs are adequate, and how stakeholders can communicate more effectively about corruption to policymakers and the public.
The U.S. Government and Global Polio Efforts October 3, 2022 Fact Sheet This fact sheet provides a snapshot of global polio eradication efforts and examines the U.S. government’s role in addressing polio worldwide.
The Department of Defense’s Role in U.S. Global Health Policy and Programs: Briefing and Panel Discussion May 16, 2013 Event This event examines the role of the Department of Defense (DoD) in global health and how it intersects with the global health efforts of the U.S. government (USG) and other organizations.
Global HIV/AIDS Timeline July 20, 2018 Timeline The Global HIV/AIDS Timeline is an ongoing reference tool for the many political, scientific, cultural, and community developments that have occurred over the history of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Medicaid at 40 July 10, 2005 Video The Kaiser Family Foundation has produced three documentaries to mark the 40th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid. The documentaries examine the social needs that led policymakers to create these programs, the expectations of what they would achieve and the reality of these programs today. Key policymakers, staff officials and members…
How is the U.S. Global Health Initiative Changing What Happens in the Field? May 25, 2011 Event The Kaiser Family Foundation held a May 25 briefing to explore the rollout of the U.S. government’s Global Health Initiative (GHI) on the ground, with a particular focus on the recently released GHI country-level strategies. The briefing examined progress and challenges in translating the GHI in the field and next…