Pop Quiz: Assessing Americans’ Familiarity with the Health Care Law February 2, 2011 Perspective Based on the December Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, the latest KFF data note explores Americans’ awareness of what the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will do. As the 112th Congress prepared to take office and the discussion of repeal was on the rise, we ‘quizzed’ Americans on whether they thought a…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — February 2011 February 1, 2011 Poll Finding In the wake of the health reform repeal vote in the U.S. House and the ongoing legal challenges over the individual mandate, nearly half the country either believes that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been repealed and is no longer law (22 percent) or doesn’t know…
Pop Quiz: Assessing Americans’ Familiarity With the Health Care Law February 1, 2011 Poll Finding The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is coming up on a year old, but in the midst of continuing debate over the merits of the landmark health care overhaul, how well do Americans understand what the new law will actually do? As the 112th Congress prepared to take office and the…
The Public, Health Care Reform, and Views on Repeal January 4, 2011 Perspective With the U.S. House of Representatives scheduled to vote on repeal of the health reform law next week, the latest Kaiser Family Foundation data note revisits some recent public opinion findings on the topic. Kaiser’s December Health Tracking Poll found the public divided on the question of repeal: one in…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — December 2010 December 14, 2010 Poll Finding As 2010 draws to a close, the latest tracking poll shows the public still divided in their views of the health reform law, a sentiment largely unchanged since the law’s enactment in March. Forty-two percent of Americans say they have a generally favorable view of the law, while 41 percent…
Kaiser December Tracking Poll: Public Remains Divided on Health Reform Law; Significant Number of People Struggle Financially December 13, 2010 Perspective As 2010 draws to a close, the latest tracking poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows the public still divided in their views of the health reform law, a sentiment largely unchanged since the law’s enactment in March. Forty-two percent of Americans say they have a generally favorable view of…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — November 2010 November 30, 2010 Poll Finding The November 2010 tracking poll was conducted in the days following the mid-term election that resulted in major gains for Republicans, including a shift in control of the House of Representatives. The survey attempts to gauge what role health reform played in voters’ decisions, and to measure the current public…
Kaiser Polling Data Note Finds Regional Differences in Views of Health Reform Law November 18, 2010 Perspective Based on the November Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, the latest KFF data note examines regional differences in Americans’ views of the new health reform law. Although many states in the American South and West stand to be disproportionately eligible for federal funds under the new law, the analysis finds that…
Non-Voters and Health Reform: Indifference and Confusion Over the New Law November 10, 2010 Perspective The latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll assessed the role health reform played in voters’1 decisions in the midterm elections and the public’s overall mood towards the health reform law. This blog post focuses on a different group, people who say they are not registered or did not vote in last…
Kaiser November Tracking Poll Finds Health Care a Factor in Congressional Election, But Not a Dominant One November 9, 2010 Perspective This month’s Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, conducted during the four days following the mid-term election, asked voters in an open-ended question to name in their own words the biggest factors influencing their vote for Congress, and found that health care was a factor, but not a dominant one. Among all…