Americans’ Views on the Supreme Court Case Mirror Their Views on the Health Reform Law March 14, 2012 News Release The Public Expects Parts Of The Affordable Care Act To Continue Whatever The Court Rules Two Years After Passage The Public Is Evenly Divided On The Law, Split Sharply Along Partisan Lines MENLO PARK, Calif. — The requirement that nearly everyone obtain health insurance or pay a fine has long…
March Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: The ACA at Two Years; The Individual Mandate and the Supreme Court March 14, 2012 Perspective As the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) nears its second birthday, the latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds that public opinion on the law remains evenly split (41 percent favorable, 40 percent unfavorable) with sharp divisions along partisan lines, much as it has been since the law was passed.…
Health Insurance Transparency under the Affordable Care Act March 8, 2012 Perspective In February, a final rule was issued implementing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirement that all health plans provide a uniform summary of coverage for all enrollees and applicants. The idea of providing easy-to-understand summaries of coverage is, in fact, the most popular provision in the ACA, according to a recent Kaiser…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — February 2012 March 1, 2012 Poll Finding In the midst of continuing debate on the future of the Medicare program, the February Kaiser Family Foundation Tracking Poll finds most Americans and most seniors favor the status quo, though arguments about the program’s solvency have the potential to sway opinion toward new proposals. The survey also gauges public…
KFF February Health Tracking Poll: Nearly Half Confused About Status of the Health Reform Law March 1, 2012 Perspective The latest Kaiser Health Tracking poll finds that amid a public debate about contraceptive coverage in insurance plans, 63 percent of Americans support a new federal requirement that plans include no-cost birth control, while a third oppose it. Catholics split along similar lines, but there’s a big partisan divide, including among…
January 2012 Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: The ACA and the Supreme Court January 26, 2012 Perspective As the Supreme Court prepares to hear legal challenges to the health reform law in March, the latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll shows that most Americans (59 percent) expect the Justices to base their ruling on their own ideological views rather than their interpretation of the law (28 percent). As for…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — January 2012 January 1, 2012 Poll Finding As the Supreme Court prepares to hear legal challenges to the health reform law in March, most Americans expect the Justices to base their ruling on their own ideological views rather than their interpretation of the law, according to the January Health Tracking Poll. Other key findings include: The public…
December Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: Public Again Divided on ACA, Independents Polarized, and Exchanges Widely Popular December 21, 2011 Perspective According to the December Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, the October downturn in the share of Americans with a favorable view of the health reform law has been fully reversed in December and overall opinion on the law returned to the roughly even split seen for most of 2011. Forty-three percent…
Kaiser November Health Tracking Poll: Individual Elements of the ACA Popular with the Public November 29, 2011 Perspective After taking a negative turn in October, the public’s overall views on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) returned to a more mixed status this month. Still, Americans remain somewhat more likely to have an unfavorable view of the law (44 percent) than a favorable one (37 percent).…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — November 2011 November 2, 2011 Poll Finding The November Health Tracking Poll takes a closer look at public opinion and knowledge about specific provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). Findings include: After taking a negative turn in October, the public’s overall views on the ACA returned to a more mixed status this month.…