Poll: Nearly 10 Years after Its Enactment, the Affordable Care Act is More Popular Than Ever as Republican Voters Instead Target Medicare-for-All February 21, 2020 News Release ACA is more popular than ever as Republican voters instead target Medicare-for-all; swing voters prefer a public option to Medicare-for-all.
The Past, Present, And Possible Future Of Public Opinion On The Affordable Care Act February 19, 2020 Poll Finding This Health Affairs article reviews 102 nationally representative public opinion polls in the period 2010–19 and finds public opinion has shifted in a sustained way at only two points in time: in a negative direction following technical problems in the first enrollment period, and in a positive direction after President Donald Trump’s election and subsequent Republican repeal efforts.
Since 2016, More People Say the ACA Has Helped Them or Their Families, Fewer Say It Has Hurt February 19, 2020 Slide From 2016 to 2019, more people say the ACA has helped them or their families across income level. Fewer say it has hurt.
Most Republicans Approve of How President Trump is Handling Medicaid, While Most Democrats and Independents Don’t January 31, 2020 Slide 51 percent of the public disapprove of how President Trump is handling Medicaid, but approval varies across partisan lines. A majority of Republicans approve, while most Democrats and Independents don’t.
KFF Health Tracking Poll – January 2020: Medicare-for-all, Public Option, Health Care Legislation And Court Actions January 30, 2020 Poll Finding This month’s KFF Health Tracking poll examines public opinion and knowledge of Medicare-for-all and a public option, President Trump’s approval on health care programs and issues, the public’s priorities for Congress, and public opinion on the Affordable Care Act and the Texas v. U.S. court case.
Poll: Democrats Like Both the Public Option and Medicare-for-all, But Overall More People Support the Public Option, Including a Significant Share of Republicans January 30, 2020 News Release Lowering Drug Costs and Maintaining Pre-existing Condition Protections Top Public’s Health Priorities for Congress With the first votes of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary season approaching, large majorities of Democrats – and most of the public overall – support both of the major approaches primary candidates have put forward to…
Most Democrats and Democrat-Leaning Independents Favor Both Public Option and Medicare-for-all December 13, 2019 Slide 66% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents — a majority — favor both a public option and Medicare-for-all. Minorities of those who favor either Medicare-for-all or a public option exclusively favor one proposal over the other.
Poll: On Health Care, Democrats and Democratic-Leaning Independents Trust Sen. Sanders the Most, but Significantly More People Support a Public Option than Medicare-for-All November 20, 2019 News Release 3 in 4 Americans Do Not Expect Congress to Take Action to Lower Drug Costs Before the 2020 Election Ahead of tonight’s Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders is the candidate most trusted on health care by Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, though the Medicare-for-all plan he has championed is significantly…
KFF Health Tracking Poll – November 2019: Health Care In The 2020 Election, Medicare-for-all, And The State Of The ACA November 20, 2019 Poll Finding This poll examines the issues Democrats most want to hear in the debates, their trust of the Democratic candidates on health care, attitudes towards Medicare-for-all and a public option, perceptions of the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance marketplaces, and prospects of legislation to address prescription drug costs.
KFF Health Tracking Poll – October 2019: Health Care In The Democratic Debates, Congress, And The Courts October 15, 2019 Poll Finding This poll examines health care issues in the Democratic presidential primary , government negotiation of prescription drug prices, party trust on health care, Medicare-for-all, and the pending Texas v. US lawsuit affecting the Affordable Care Act and pre-existing condition protections.