What’s at Stake with ACA Repeal? June 16, 2017 Interactive This interactive includes a map and tables that highlight the increases in health insurance coverage through Medicaid and the Marketplaces as well as the increased federal funding that resulted from the implementation of the ACA.
Primas y créditos impositivos bajo la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible (ACA) vs el American Health Care Act (AHCA): Mapa Interactivo May 2, 2017 Interactive Estos mapas comparan los estimados de los créditos impositivos que los consumidores recibirían para pagar las primas en 2020, por condado, bajo la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible (ACA) con lo que recibirían bajo el proyecto de líderes republicanos del Congreso llamado American Health Care Act (AHCA), que se dio a conocer el 6 de marzo.
Premiums and Tax Credits Under the Affordable Care Act vs. the American Health Care Act: Interactive Maps April 27, 2017 Interactive Compare county-level estimates of premiums and premium tax credits consumers would receive under the Affordable Care Act in 2020 with what they’d receive under the American Health Care Act legislation released March 6 by Republican leaders in Congress.
Federal Government Could See Net Increase of $2.3 Billion in Costs in 2018 if ACA Cost-Sharing Reduction Payments Eliminated April 25, 2017 News Release Ceasing payments for the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) cost-sharing reduction program could save $10 billion, but cost an additional $12.3 billion in premium tax credits – an estimated net increase of $2.3 billion, or 23 percent, in federal spending on marketplace subsidies – in 2018, if insurers continue to participate…
The Effects of Ending the Affordable Care Act’s Cost-Sharing Reduction Payments April 25, 2017 Issue Brief This analysis estimates that total federal spending on Affordable Care Act marketplace subsidies would rise $2.3 billion, or 23 percent, in 2018 if payments for the cost-sharing reduction program were eliminated and insurers increased premiums to compensate. Established to reduce out-of-pocket costs for marketplace enrollees with lower incomes, the cost-sharing payments are being challenged in a lawsuit from the U.S. House.
Web Briefing for Journalists – ACA Cost-Sharing Subsidies: How One Decision Could Disrupt Obamacare Marketplaces April 6, 2017 Event Premiums, insurer choice, and overall stability of 2018 Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplaces could be affected by decisions from Congress and the Trump Administration on the health law’s cost-sharing reduction provision. With a legal appeal pending on a lawsuit from the U.S. House, the federal government and Congress are in…
Estimates: Average ACA Marketplace Premiums for Silver Plans Would Need to Increase by 19% to Compensate for Lack of Funding for Cost-Sharing Subsidies April 6, 2017 News Release A new Kaiser Family Foundation analysis finds that the average premium for a benchmark silver plan in Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplaces would need to increase by an estimated 19 percent for insurers to compensate for lost funding if they don’t receive federal payment for ACA cost-sharing subsidies. Established by…
Impact of Cost Sharing Reductions on Deductibles and Out-Of-Pocket Limits March 22, 2017 Issue Brief This note illustrates the impact of the cost-sharing reductions in current law by looking at how they affect average deductibles and out-of-pocket maximum limits in benchmark silver plans in 2017 in states using the federally facilitated marketplace.
Health Insurance Premiums Under the ACA vs. AHCA: County-Level Data March 22, 2017 News Release The Kaiser Family Foundation’s interactive map now allows users to compare what consumers in each county would pay in health insurance premiums after tax credits in 2020 under the Affordable Care Act vs. the House GOP replacement plan, the American Health Care Act. The maps include estimates by county for…