National Survey of Adolescents and Young Adults: Sexual Health Knowledge, Attitudes and Experiences April 30, 2003 Report This comprehensive new survey examines the factors that shape and inform the knowledge and decision making of young people. The report examines what kinds of pressure young people face to be sexually active and how they handle the pressure; what they know about HIV/AIDS and STDs; what they know and…
Sex on TV 3: Report January 30, 2003 Report The third biennial Sex on Television 3 study finds the amount of sex on television remains high, but TV sex is more likely than in previous years to include some reference to “safer” sex issues such as waiting to have sex, using protection, or the possible consequences of unprotected sex.…
Sex on TV 3 Executive Summary January 30, 2003 Report The third biennial Sex on Television 3: Content and Context study finds the amount of sex on television remains high, but TV sex is more likely than in previous years to include some reference to “safer” sex issues such as waiting to have sex, using protection, or the possible consequences…
Sex on TV 3: TV Sex is Getting Safer January 30, 2003 Report The third biennial Sex on Television 3: Content and Context study finds the amount of sex on television remains high, but TV sex is more likely than in previous years to include some reference to “safer” sex issues such as waiting to have sex, using protection, or the possible consequences…
Rating Sex and Violence in the Media: Media Ratings and Proposals for Reform October 31, 2002 Issue Brief Rating Sex and Violence in the Media: Media Ratings and Proposals for Reform The second release in a series of fact sheets and issue briefs on key topics in the field of children, media and health. The Media Ratings issue brief provides an overview of parental advisory ratings for movies,…
SexSmarts Survey – Teens and Sexual Health Communication June 29, 2002 Poll Finding SexSmarts Survey- Teens and Sexual Health Communication As part of an on-going public information partnership called SexSmarts, seventeen magazine and the Kaiser Family Foundation conduct nationally-representative surveys of teens 15 to 17 on issues related to their sexual health. This survey examines sexual health communication between teens and their parents,…
Sexual Health of Young African Americans in the U.S. May 31, 2002 Fact Sheet African Americans represent twelve percent of the U.S. population, or approximately 35 million people, but have been disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Fact Sheet:
Sexual Activity and Substance Use Among Youth February 6, 2002 Fact Sheet Teens and young adults face many pressures and decisions involving alcohol, drugs, and sexual activity decisions that often occur simultaneously. Almost one quarter of sexually active young people aged 15-24 report having sex without a condom because they were drinking or using drugs at the time. These findings are from…
Syringe Exchange and AB 136: The Dynamics of Local Consideration in Six California Communities February 1, 2002 Report A new report by the Kaiser Family Foundation, Syringe Exchange and AB 136: The Dynamics of Local Consideration in Six California Communities, provides a qualitative assessment of California’s Assembly Bill (AB) 136, which authorizes the operation of syringe exchange programs within the state after a local declaration of emergency. The study is based on interviews with key stakeholders in six California county and city jurisdictions.
Sexual Activity and Substance Use Among Youth January 30, 2002 Fact Sheet Teens and young adults face many pressures and decisions involving alcohol, drugs, and sexual activity decisions that often occur simultaneously. Almost one quarter of sexually active young people aged 15-24 report having sex without a condom because they were drinking or using drugs at the time. These findings are from…