The Cost and Coverage Implications of the ACA Medicaid Expansion: National and State-by-State Analysis November 1, 2012 Report A central goal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is to significantly reduce the number of uninsured by providing a continuum of affordable coverage options through Medicaid and new Health Insurance Exchanges. Following the June 2012 Supreme Court decision, states face a decision about whether to adopt…
Why Does Medicaid Spending Vary Across States: A Chartbook of Factors Driving State Spending November 1, 2012 Report This detailed chartbook provides an illustrative overview of some of the key factors that contribute to the substantial variation in Medicaid spending across states today. The chartbook provides a broad range of state-by-state data on subjects including state revenue and spending, the demand for public services, health care markets, and…
Health Insurance Market Reforms: Pre-Existing Condition Exclusions October 8, 2012 Fact Sheet Insurers pursue multiple strategies to reduce the cost of covering enrollees with pre-existing conditions, or medical conditions and health problems that existed before the individual enrolled in a health plan. One strategy, the pre-existing condition exclusion, allows insurers to refuse to cover any costs associated with care for a pre-existing…
National and State-By-State Impact of the 2012 House Republican Budget Plan for Medicaid October 1, 2012 Report This analysis of the House Budget Plan that was passed in 2012 finds that repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and converting Medicaid to a block grant would trigger significant decreases in federal Medicaid spending and could result in substantial reductions in enrollment and payments to providers compared to current…
Medicaid Financing: An Overview of the Federal Medicaid Matching Rate (FMAP) September 30, 2012 Issue Brief Since its enactment in 1965, the Medicaid program has used the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) to determine the federal government’s share of the cost of covered services in state Medicaid programs. On average, the federal share has been 57 percent. Beginning in 2014, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) establishes…
Coverage of Preventive Services for Adults in Medicaid September 1, 2012 Issue Brief This brief highlights data from a survey of coverage of 42 recommended preventive services for adults in Medicaid fee-for-service programs as of October 2010. Medicaid programs must cover preventive services for children as part of the Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit, but generally are not required to…
A Historical Review of How States Have Responded to the Availability of Federal Funds for Health Coverage August 1, 2012 Issue Brief This historical review finds that the availability of federal funds has served as an effective incentive for states to provide health coverage to meet the health and long-term care needs of their low-income residents despite state budget pressures. The brief examines the history of earlier experiences and provides important context for how states may respond as they weigh the costs and benefits of expanding their Medicaid programs in 2014 as called for under the Affordable Care Act.
Health Insurance Exchanges: Can States and the Federal Government Meet the Deadline? July 27, 2012 Event The Alliance for Health Reform and the Commonwealth Fund sponsor a July 27 briefing to discuss how states are facing implementation and evaluation deadlines in regards to health insurance exchanges. Speakers will explore such questions as: What needs to happen between now and January 2014 for states to successfully implement…
Health Insurance Market Reforms: Guaranteed Issue June 2, 2012 Fact Sheet Guaranteed issue laws require insurance companies to issue a health plan to any applicant – an individual or a group – regardless of the applicant’s health status or other factors. Currently, in most states, insurance companies can deny nongroup coverage to people based on their health status or their medical…
CHIP Enrollment: June 2011 Data Snapshot June 1, 2012 Issue Brief This data snapshot provides the latest data on Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) enrollment and policy trends nationally and across the states through June 2011, based on survey responses and data provided by CHIP directors in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The report finds that in June…