How States Are Responding to the Challenge of Financing Health Care for Retirees September 2, 2003 Report State governments are an important source of health insurance coverage for retired state employees. Confronted with rising health care costs, budget deficits, and an overall downturn in the economy, this report describes how states are responding to the challenge of financing health care for retirees who tend to be sicker…
Kaiser Family Foundation Resources on Deficit-Reduction Debate October 31, 2012 Report These Foundation resources shed light on how the ongoing national debate about deficit reduction may affect Medicare, Medicaid and other health-care programs. These resources include analysis of specific savings proposals, polling on the public’s views of deficit-reduction options, summaries and comparisons of relevant elements of major deficit-reduction plans, and explanatory…
Retiree Health Benefits Now and In the Future – Chartpack December 31, 2003 Report This chartpack (charts used at the briefing releasing this survey), from the survey conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Hewitt Associates between June and September 2003, provides detailed information on retiree health programs offered by large private-sector employers. The data in this survey reflect the responses of 408 large…
Retiree Health VEBAs: A New Twist On An Old Paradigm February 27, 2009 Issue Brief This issue brief provides an overview of stand-alone Voluntary Employees’ Beneficiary Association trusts, through which employers have been able to rid themselves of future obligations to pay retiree health benefits in exchange for making a significant payment to designed to approximate the projected cost of these benefits. The paper include…
Retiree Health Benefits Examined: Findings from the Kaiser/Hewitt 2006 Survey on Retiree Health Benefits November 30, 2006 Report This includes the full report on the 2006 Kaiser/Hewitt survey of large businesses that provide retiree health benefits to their workers. The Kaiser/Hewitt study, the fifth joint survey since 2002, analyzes responses from a non-probability sample of 302 businesses with 1,000 or more employees that offer retiree health benefits. These…
Tracking Prescription Drug Coverage Under Medicare: Five Ways to Look at the New Enrollment Numbers February 1, 2006 Issue Brief Tracking Prescription Drug Coverage Under Medicare: Five Ways to Look at the New Enrollment NumbersThis new analysis, which assesses Medicare drug benefit enrollment statistics released Feb. 22 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, examines five different approaches to understanding the Medicare drug coverage numbers:What share of the…
Issues for Medicare Beneficiaries in Long-Term Care Facilities: An Analysis of the MMA and Proposed Regulations September 1, 2004 Issue Brief This paper, by Vicki Gottlich, J.D., of the Center for Medicare Advocacy, looks at issues related to the new Medicare prescription drug benefit for people with Medicare who live in nursing homes or other long-term-care settings. It is one in a series commissioned by the Kaiser Family Foundation that analyzes…
Retiree Health Benefits in 2003: Employer Survey December 31, 2003 Report This survey, conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Hewitt Associates between June and September 2003 provides detailed information on retiree health programs offered by large private-sector employers. The data in this survey reflect the responses of 408 large firms (private-sector employers with 1,000 or more workers) and provides information…
Prescription Drug Coverage for Medicare Beneficiaries: A Side-by-Side Comparison of S. 1 and H.R. 1 and the Conference Agreement H.R. 1 November 1, 2003 Report This document, prepared by Health Policy Alternatives, Inc., provides a detailed side-by-side comparison of the prescription drug provisions of the Conference Agreement (H.R. 1) passed by the House and Senate in November 2003 and the House (H.R. 1) and Senate (S. 1) Medicare proposals passed in June 2003.Report (.pdf)
The Role of Medicare and Beneficiaries in the Deficit-Reduction Debate June 1, 2011 Event This Kaiser Family Foundation briefing examined how Medicare reform options now under consideration might work and their implications for beneficiaries and taxpayers. As context for understanding the potential effects of reforms, the briefing looked at the current and projected income and assets of people on Medicare, out-of pocket health care…