At-Home SARS-CoV-2 Diagnostic Tests Could be a Breakthrough, But What Are the Limitations? May 8, 2020 Blog At-home SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic tests may be a promising avenue to get more people tested in a timely manner. Lessons from at-home sexually transmitted tests can offer important less about limitations related to specimen collection, public health surveillance, and coverage and access.
Lifting Social Distancing Measures in America: State Actions & Metrics May 4, 2020 Blog This blog looks at states that have moved to ease social distancing requirements, examining approaches taken as well as metrics for helping to assess readiness for reopening.
Taking Stock of Essential Workers May 1, 2020 Blog The COVID-19 outbreak has changed the reality of working life for most of the U.S. workforce, with essential workers at the forefront of performing crucial services for the public in the midst of the pandemic. This post examines who essential workers are and what challenges they are facing in light of coronavirus.
Just Released – COVID-19 in Rural America – Is There Cause for Concern? April 30, 2020 News Release While to date big cities and major urban areas have seen the greatest number of coronavirus cases and deaths, a new KFF analysis finds the growth rate is now higher in rural areas, where the population tends to be older, younger people are more likely to have high-risk health conditions,…
COVID-19 in Rural America – Is There Cause for Concern? April 30, 2020 Issue Brief While to date big cities and major urban areas have seen the greatest number of coronavirus cases and deaths, this analysis finds the growth rate is now higher in rural areas.
COVID-19 Quiz May 6, 2020 Quiz This 10-question quiz tests your knowledge about the coronavirus and COVID-19, including issues around symptoms, testing, number of cases and deaths, and cost sharing for treatment.
Brief Examines What’s Known About Children and Coronavirus Transmission as Schools Prepare for Fall July 29, 2020 News Release With schools nationwide preparing for fall and the federal government encouraging in-person classes, key concerns for school officials, teachers and parents include the risks that coronavirus poses to children and their role in transmission of the disease. A new KFF brief examines the latest available data and evidence about the issues…
What Do We Know About Children and Coronavirus Transmission? July 29, 2020 Issue Brief As schools prepare for Fall, this brief examines what’s known about children and COVID-19, including the risk the virus poses to children and the risk of children becoming infected and transmitting to others, and the experiences of other countries that reopened classrooms.
About 1.5 Million Teachers are at Higher Risk of Serious Illness From COVID-19 July 10, 2020 News Release As local, state and federal official debate when and how to reopen schools across the nation, a new KFF analysis estimates nearly 1.5 million teachers have health conditions that put them at higher risk of serious illness if they were to contract COVID-19. This represents nearly one in four (24%)…
How Many Teachers Are at Risk of Serious Illness If Infected with Coronavirus? July 10, 2020 Issue Brief As the nation continues to struggle to contain the spread of coronavirus, there is considerable debate about when and how to reopen schools. This analysis finds that one in four teachers (24%, or about 1.47 million people), have a condition that puts them at higher risk of serious illness from coronavirus.