Medicare and Prescription Drug Spending Chartpack May 31, 2003 Report This chartpack provides 2003 and 2006 estimates of total and out-of-pocket prescription drug spending by Medicare beneficiaries. The data and analysis for this chartpack, prepared by Actuarial Research Corporation, assume no change in current law.Chart Pack
Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health National Survey of the Public’s Views on Medicare- Chartpack May 31, 2003 Report Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health National Survey of the Public's Views on MedicareA national survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health examines the public's attitudes and opinions on issues related to the Medicare reform and prescription drug debate. The survey also takes…
The Financing of Pharmacy Plus Waivers: Trade Offs Between Expanding Rx Coverage and Global Caps in Medicaid April 30, 2003 Report Background Paper
Pharmacy Plus Waivers: Trade Offs Between Expanding Rx Coverage and Global Caps in Medicaid April 30, 2003 Issue Brief The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured has been monitoring the development of the Pharmacy Plus waiver initiated by the Bush Administration in 2002 and tracking the states that have pending or approved plans. The Commission has developed some materials describing the initiative, examining the financing mechanism, and discussing…
The Financing of Pharmacy Plus Waivers: Implications for Seniors on Medicaid of Global Funding Caps April 29, 2003 Issue Brief This policy brief describes Pharmacy Plus waivers being considered by some states for their Medicaid program and their implications for Medicaid financing. These waivers offer an opportunity for prescription drug coverage for low-income seniors, but they also include a major change in the financing of care for all seniors on…
National ADAP Monitoring Project, Annual Report, April 2003 April 2, 2003 Report This report, the seventh in an annual series, provides an overview of the status of state-administered AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs) and documents how these programs are responding to the changing fiscal, clinical and epidemiological dynamics of HIV/AIDS.ADAPs, authorized under Title II of the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency…
Medicare and Prescription Drugs, Fact Sheet April 1, 2003 Fact Sheet This fact sheet, updated in April 2003, profiles current sources of prescription drug coverage among the Medicare population, describes the characteristics of beneficiaries who lack drug coverage and the implications of being without such coverage, and provides current data on prescription drug use and spending. Fact Sheet (.pdf)
Model Prescription Drug Prior Authorization Process for State Medicaid Programs April 1, 2003 Report This report details the rules governing prior authorization programs and the major steps in a model process based on key issues raised by beneficiary advocates, provider groups and states.Report
Prior Authorization for Medicaid Prescription Drugs in Five States: Lessons for Policy Makers April 1, 2003 Report This report is a case study of five states’ (California, Georgia, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Washington) implementation of prior authorization in their Medicaid programs.
How Do M+C Plans Manage Pharmacy Benefits? Implications for Medicare Reform March 31, 2003 Report Understanding how Medicare+Choice (M+C) plans manage their drug benefits may generate important lessons for Medicare. This report, based on interviews with both national and regional managed care firms, provides an in-depth look at how plans have managed their M+C outpatient pharmacy benefits in recent years. Findings show that plans rely…