The Good and Bad of Those Ubiquitous Drug Ads October 28, 2015 News Release In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman examines the public’s mixed views about prescription drug ads and their impact on prescribing patterns, based on a new Kaiser Family Foundation survey. All previous columns by Drew Altman are available online.
Visualizing Health Policy: A Snapshot of Cancer Spending and Outcomes June 21, 2016 News Release This Visualizing Health Policy infographic provides details on cancer spending and outcomes in the United States.
What Are the Current Costs and Outcomes Related to Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorders? May 6, 2016 Slideshow
Medicaid’s Most Costly Outpatient Drugs July 15, 2016 Issue Brief Using Medicaid State Drug Utilization Data, this brief presents the 50 most costly drugs before rebates used by the Medicaid program over the January 2014 through June 2015 period. It then examines reasons why these drugs are so costly; explores case studies on opioids, hepatitis C drugs, and the drug Abilify; and considers policy implications.
10 Essential Facts About Medicare and Prescription Drug Spending: A Slideshow November 10, 2017 Slideshow
10 Essential Facts About Medicare and Prescription Drug Spending January 29, 2019 Infographic Prescription drugs play an important role in medical care for 60 million seniors and people with disabilities, and account for nearly $1 out of every $5 in Medicare spending. This chart series examines trends in Medicare and beneficiary out-of-pocket spending on prescription drugs, and what the public thinks about different options for keeping drug costs down.
Web Event: Rx Drugs and the U.S. Health System – A Conversation About Drug Prices July 7, 2016 Event The Kaiser Family Foundation will host a web conversation to discuss the drivers of recent and forecasted trends in prescription drug spending and examine how drug prices are set.
Medicare Spending at the End of Life: A Snapshot of Beneficiaries Who Died in 2014 and the Cost of Their Care July 14, 2016 Issue Brief This data note provides a snapshot of Medicare beneficiaries who died in 2014 and their Medicare spending at the end of life. It examines Medicare per capita spending trends over time since 2000 and in 2014, both overall and by type of service, for beneficiaries in traditional Medicare who died in a given year compared to those who survived the year.