Half the Public Say President Trump Doesn’t Have a Plan to Protect People With Pre-Existing Conditions from Insurance Discrimination October 20, 2020 Slide The nomination of a new Supreme Court justice has placed heightened scrutiny on what President Trump’s administration would do to continue the Affordable Care Act’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions if the Supreme Court invalidates the law.
Medicaid Covers People with Pre-Existing Conditions, Too October 16, 2020 Blog In recent weeks, the possible overturning of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in court and the upcoming election have focused attention on the issue of protections for people with pre-existing conditions. While the focus has been on the ACA’s private insurance protections, Medicaid also plays a significant role in covering people with pre-existing conditions.
Mental Illnesses May Soon Be the Most Common Pre-Existing Conditions October 8, 2020 Blog Because the prevalence of depression and anxiety disorders appears to have increased substantially since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, if the ACA is repealed, mental illnesses could be the most common pre-existing conditions.
Protecting People With Pre-Existing Conditions Isn’t As Easy As It Seems October 5, 2020 Blog With the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a lawsuit before the Supreme Court to overturn the Affordable Care Act (ACA) suddenly has a much better chance of succeeding. And, that could make protections for people with pre-existing conditions an even bigger campaign issue.
Pre-existing Conditions: What Are They and How Many People Have Them? October 1, 2020 Blog Facing a challenge now before the Supreme Court, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) included provisions to protect people with pre-existing conditions from discrimination in the individual employment market. This post explains what pre-existing conditions are and the different estimates for the number of people who have them.
How Health Insurers Responded to Applicants with Pre-existing Conditions Before and After the Affordable Care Act September 30, 2020 Slide The fate of the Affordable Care Act is again in doubt, with the Supreme Court set to hear arguments in California v. Texas days after the Presidential election. Protections for people with pre-existing conditions are at risk it is worth revisiting what it was like for people with pre-existing conditions to obtain coverage before this law.
Is COVID-19 a Pre-Existing Condition? What Could Happen if the ACA is Overturned September 30, 2020 Blog If the ACA is overturned, federal law protection for people with pre-existing health conditions would end. This post examines what that could mean for people in the time of COVID-19, including whether and how insurers could deny coverage to people who have had COVID or other pre-existing conditions.
Return of Health Discrimination to Insurance Markets Could Affect Millions of People September 29, 2020 Blog Without the ACA, there is nothing in federal law to assure people with pre-existing health conditions access to affordable individual market coverage. This post looks at how overturning the ACA would disproportionately affect older adults, younger women, and people living outside metro areas
Analysis Examines the Affordable Care Act’s Impact on Nearly All Americans September 23, 2020 News Release A week after the 2020 elections, the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments on a legal challenge, supported by the Trump administration, that seeks to overturn the Affordable Care Act, an outcome that would have major effects throughout the health care system as the law’s provisions have affected nearly…
Potential Impact of California v. Texas Decision on Key Provisions of the Affordable Care Act September 22, 2020 Issue Brief The Supreme Court will review the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) this November in California v. Texas. This fact sheet summarizes the major provisions of the ACA, illustrating the breadth of its changes to the health care system. If all of most of the ACA is struck down, many of these provisions could be eliminated.