As Debate Heats Up in Washington Over Possible Entitlement Cuts, A New KFF Analysis Details the 30% of Federal Spending That Goes to Health Care Programs March 1, 2023 News Release As some policymakers in Washington are pushing to reduce the federal deficit and debt, a new KFF resource provides a concise explanation of federal spending for domestic and global health programs and services, which could be part of any conversation about curbing federal spending. Federal spending on health programs and…
What to Know about Medicare Spending and Financing January 19, 2023 Issue Brief This brief provides an overview of Medicare spending and financing, based on the most recent historical and projected data from the Medicare Trustees and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). The brief highlights trends in Medicare spending and key drivers of spending growth, including higher enrollment, growth in health care costs, and increases in payments to Medicare Advantage plans.
Selected Out-of-Pocket Costs as a Share of the Average Social Security Benefit April 29, 2022 Slide Medicare premiums and cost sharing will account for an increasing share of Social Security benefits in the future, Medicare Trustees project.
The Growth in Share of Medicare Advantage Spending April 7, 2022 Slide Earlier this week, the Biden Administration announced the final Medicare Advantage rates for 2023, which are projected to result in an average increase in Medicare Advantage plan revenue of 8.5% compared to 2022 – the highest average expected increase in recent years. Payments to Medicare Advantage plans as a share…
KFF Health Tracking Poll – October 2021: Home And Community Based Services And Seniors’ Health Care Needs October 15, 2021 Poll Finding The October KFF Health Tracking Poll explores experiences with unpaid caregiving, and favorability of expansion of home and community based services (HCBS). It also examines experiences with difficulty affording and putting of health care services among seniors, favorability of the ACA and experience with determining eligibility for lower cost insurance as part of the COVID relief package.
The Public Weighs In On Medicare Drug Negotiations October 12, 2021 Poll Finding This data note from the latest KFF Health Tracking Poll explores the public’s views on Medicare drug price negotiation, including how arguments on both sides impact support and opposition; confidence in leaders to do the right thing on drug pricing; and experiences with prescription drug costs.
Large Majorities Across Parties Favor Allowing the Federal Government to Negotiate Drug Prices, Even After Hearing Common Arguments About It October 12, 2021 News Release Most of the Public Lacks Confidence that President Biden, Congressional Democrats or Republicans Will Do the Right Thing on Drug Prices Allowing the federal government to negotiate with drug companies to lower drug prices for Medicare beneficiaries and people enrolled in private plans – a key cost-saving proposal in the…
Potential Health Policy Administrative Actions Under President Biden December 8, 2020 Issue Brief This brief outlines the potential health policy actions that President Biden could take using executive authority, based on campaign pledges, and actions that would reverse or modify regulations or guidance issued by the Trump Administration.
Public Opinion on Single-Payer, National Health Plans, and Expanding Access to Medicare Coverage October 16, 2020 Slideshow
Medicare’s Finances Have Gotten Much Worse in Recent Years, Foreshadowing Tough Choices for November’s Winners September 3, 2020 Blog This policy watch post discusses the latest Medicare Hospital Insurance trust fund solvency projections from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), which show the extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic has hurt Medicare’s financial outlook, and foreshadow the tough choices facing the next President and Congress.