Selected Findings on Knowledge and Understanding of the New Medicare Rx Drug Program — January/February 2004 Kaiser Health Poll Report Survey February 1, 2004 Poll Finding Seniors are confused about the Medicare prescription drug law. Selected findings from the January/February 2004 Kaiser Health Poll Report survey show that while about two-thirds of seniors report following the debate closely, just 15% say they understand the new prescription drug law very well and seven in 10 don’t know…
Prospects for Retiree Health Benefits as Medicare Drug Coverage Begins November 29, 2005 Poll Finding Findings from the Kaiser/Hewitt 2005 Survey on Retiree Health BenefitsThe 2005 Kaiser/Hewitt survey of large businesses that provide retiree health benefits to their workers assesses their responses to the new Medicare drug benefit in 2006, their plans for the future, and the way these changes affect retirees. It also looks…
Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage for Residents of Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities: Special Problems and Concerns October 30, 2005 Issue Brief This issue brief describes Medicare drug benefit policy issues for residents of nursing homes and other long-term care settings, such as assisted living facilities and board and care facilities. The brief addresses differing rules for nursing home and non-nursing home settings, as well as for dual eligibles residing in long-term…
State Financing of the Medicare Drug Benefit: New Data on the “Clawback” October 31, 2005 Issue Brief State Financing of the Medicare Drug Benefit: New Data on the “Clawback”Beginning in 2006, states will be obligated to finance part of the new Medicare prescription drug benefit via a monthly “clawback” payment to the federal government. This issue update analyzes the latest data and provides an overview of the…
Current Trends and Future Outlook for Retiree Health Benefits: Findings from the Kaiser/Hewitt 2004 Survey on Retiree Health Benefits November 30, 2004 Report This survey documents the increasing costs of retiree benefits for both large private-sector employers and their retirees. It also provides an early look at the response of large employers to the Medicare prescription drug law and the subsidies it provides for maintaining retiree drug coverage. Download Full Report (.pdf) Chartpack (.pdf)
Health Care Agenda for the New Congress January 11, 2005 Poll Finding This survey captures the public’s attitudes regarding the health care agenda for Bush’s second term and the new Congress in 2005. It assesses the relative priority placed on health-care concerns by the American public and also provides insight into public opinion on key issues likely to face the new Congress,…
Summary of the Proposed Rule to Implement the New Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit November 30, 2004 Issue Brief In August 2004, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services published a proposed rule to implement the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit (Title I of the Medicare Modernization Act). Given the high level of interest in the proposed rules for implementing the Medicare drug benefit, the Kaiser Family Foundation commissioned Health…
The Effect of Formularies and Other Cost Management Tools on Access to Medications: An Analysis of the MMA and Proposed Regulations September 1, 2004 Issue Brief This paper, by John F. Hoadley, Ph.D., of the Health Policy Institute at Georgetown University, examines how formulary designs and other cost-management tools may affect Medicare beneficiaries’ access to medications through their Medicare Part D prescription drug plans. It is one in a series commissioned by the Kaiser Family Foundation…
Papers on Issues For People With Medicare Raised By Proposed Drug Benefit Regulations September 1, 2004 Issue Brief Papers on Issues For People With Medicare Raised By Proposed Drug Benefit RegulationsThe Kaiser Family Foundation has commissioned a series of papers to explore key issues that may be of concern for Medicare beneficiaries as the new Medicare drug benefit is implemented. These papers focus on specific areas of potential…
Medicare Payments and Beneficiary Costs for Prescription Drug Coverage February 28, 2007 Issue Brief This March 2007 issue brief, commissioned by the Kaiser Family Foundation, provides a basic introduction to the reimbursement system for private Medicare drug plans. It explains the system of plan bidding and payment, including the special provisions for low-income enrollees, and considers how aspects of the payment system may affect…