Private Plans In Medicare: A 2007 Update February 28, 2007 Issue Brief This March 2007 issue brief, commissioned by the Kaiser Family Foundation, examines changes between 2006 and 2007 in the availability of and enrollment in Medicare Advantage and Medicare prescription drug plans overall and in urban and rural areas. It also focuses on the firms that are offering various types of…
Retiree Health Benefits Examined: Findings from the Kaiser/Hewitt 2006 Survey on Retiree Health Benefits November 30, 2006 Report This includes the full report on the 2006 Kaiser/Hewitt survey of large businesses that provide retiree health benefits to their workers. The Kaiser/Hewitt study, the fifth joint survey since 2002, analyzes responses from a non-probability sample of 302 businesses with 1,000 or more employees that offer retiree health benefits. These…
Voices of Beneficiaries: Early Experiences with the Medicare Drug Benefit April 1, 2006 Report The Medicare Modernization Act established a voluntary prescription drug benefit for Medicare’s elderly and disabled beneficiaries provided by private plans that is open to all beneficiaries.This paper focuses on the decision-making process and the factors that influence decisions about Medicare drug plans, as well as beneficiaries’ early experiences and future…
Tracking Prescription Drug Coverage Under Medicare: Five Ways to Look at the New Enrollment Numbers February 1, 2006 Issue Brief Tracking Prescription Drug Coverage Under Medicare: Five Ways to Look at the New Enrollment NumbersThis new analysis, which assesses Medicare drug benefit enrollment statistics released Feb. 22 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, examines five different approaches to understanding the Medicare drug coverage numbers:What share of the…
Medicare Prescription Drug Enrollment Update June 2, 2006 Issue Brief Medicare Drug Benefit Enrollment UpdateThis enrollment update breaks down and explains the statistics related to enrollment under the new Medicare drug benefit and the separate low-income subsidy program that provides additional assistance. The enrollment update summarizes the latest enrollment figures released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and…
African Americans and the New Medicare Drug Benefit October 31, 2005 Poll Finding In a few short weeks, Medicare will undergo big changes that will have a major impact on nearly 4 million African American seniors and younger people with permanent disabilities who rely on Medicare for their health coverage. More than four in ten African Americans with Medicare lack coverage for their…
The Medicare Drug Benefit: Beneficiary Perspectives Just Before Implementation- Chartpack October 31, 2005 Poll Finding This chartpack highlights key results and trends from a comprehensive survey of seniors on their understanding of and views toward the Medicare drug benefit. The survey of 802 seniors was conducted in late October 2005, prior to the start of the benefit’s open enrollment period, which runs from Nov. 15,…
Medicare Part D: Issues for Dual Eligibles on the Eve of Implementation October 30, 2005 Issue Brief Medicare Part D: Issues for Dual Eligibles on the Eve of ImplementationThis issue brief describes how dual eligibles are treated under the Medicare drug benefit and the issues raised by their transition from Medicaid to Medicare drug coverage. The brief also explores key differences in the Medicare drug benefit compared…
The Medicare Drug Benefit: Beneficiary Perspectives Just Before Implementation October 31, 2005 Poll Finding This comprehensive survey of seniors about the Medicare drug benefit finds that many seniors remain uncertain about how the new benefit will affect them and unsure about whether they will enroll. Seniors who say they understand the benefit well are more likely to report favorable views than those who do…
Low-Income Subsidies for the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit: The Impact of the Asset Test March 31, 2005 Report This study assesses the impact of the requirement that low-income people with Medicare meet an asset test in order to receive additional help paying premiums and cost-sharing under the new Medicare drug benefit.Report (.pdf)American Journal of Managed Care Article: Who Will Be Denied Medicare Prescription Drug Subsidies Because of the…