Articles Examine Data and Issues For Expanding Integrated Care Models For Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries June 1, 2012 Report As state and federal policymakers move to develop and test integrated care models for people dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, two new Kaiser Family Foundation articles in the June 2012 issue of Health Affairs highlight the diverse needs and challenges facing these 9 million beneficiaries, describe their current care…
A Focus Group with Medicaid Directors: As FY 2012 Ends, Looking Toward FY 2013 June 1, 2012 Report This report is based on a focus group discussion in May 2012 with the Executive Board of the National Association of Medicaid Directors (NAMD) and other leading Medicaid directors. The group of nine directors reflected perspectives from various regions of the country. The discussion focused on state fiscal conditions, Medicaid…
How is the Affordable Care Act Leading to Changes in Medicaid Today? State Responses to Five New Options May 30, 2012 Issue Brief This policy brief examines how states in every region have responded to five key opportunities available under the health reform law to help them prepare for the significant expansion of Medicaid in 2014. The options covered in the brief include incentives for states to get an early start on the…
Quick Take: Geographic Variation in Dual Eligible Enrollment May 23, 2012 Fact Sheet Over 9 million elderly Americans and younger persons with disabilities are jointly enrolled in the Medicaid and Medicare programs. These “dual eligibles” receive coverage for most medical services from Medicare, and they also receive Medicaid assistance for Medicare premiums and cost-sharing and coverage of benefits not offered under Medicare (such…
An Overview of Recent Section 1115 Medicaid Demonstration Waiver Activity May 1, 2012 Issue Brief This brief summarizes and examines the implications of recent Section 1115 Medicaid waiver activity. Section 1115 waivers provide states flexibility to test new approaches in Medicaid that differ from federal program rules and can have significant impacts for beneficiaries, providers, and states. While recent waivers and waiver proposals vary in…
Emerging Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations: The Role of Managed Care May 1, 2012 Issue Brief This brief examines efforts by a number of states to set up Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) within their Medicaid programs. An ACO is a provider-run organization in which participating providers are collectively responsible for the care of an enrolled population, and may share in any savings associated with improvements in…
Quick Take: Medicaid MCOs and Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Requirements April 13, 2012 Fact Sheet One mechanism for ensuring that health insurance provides value to consumers for the premiums that they pay, or that others pay on their behalf, is to require insurers to meet a minimum “medical loss ratio” or MLR standard. The MLR is the share of premium revenues that an insurer or…
An Update on CMS’s Capitated Financial Alignment Demonstration Model For Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees April 1, 2012 Issue Brief Beginning in January, 2013, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will implement a three year multi-state demonstration to test new service delivery and payment models for people dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid. These demonstrations will enroll full dual eligibles in managed fee-for-service or capitated managed care plans…
A Guide to the Medicaid Appeals Process March 29, 2012 Issue Brief This background brief provides a comprehensive look at the appeals process for the Medicaid program, which differs significantly from those available through the Medicare program and private health insurance. The Medicaid appeals process provides redress for individual applicants and beneficiaries seeking eligibility for the program or coverage of prescribed services,…
People with Disabilities and Medicaid Managed Care: Key Issues to Consider February 1, 2012 Issue Brief As many states expand their use of managed care in Medicaid, a growing number of beneficiaries with disabilities are being enrolled in risk-based managed care arrangements for at least some of their care. Further growth in managed care is expected in 2014, when the Affordable Care Act expands Medicaid eligibility…