In Pursuit of Affordable Health Care: On the Ground Lessons From Families in Massachusetts August 30, 2009 Report This report, based on focus groups with adults in a variety of circumstances, highlights the experiences of Massachusetts residents in obtaining health coverage, accessing health care services and managing out-of-pocket costs in the wake of the state’s 2006 health reform law. Report (.pdf)
Children and Health Care Reform: Assuring Coverage That Meets Their Health Care Needs August 30, 2009 Issue Brief This issue brief examines the health care needs and health costs of children and analyzes the specific health care needs of two children in particular, including one with serious health challenges. The findings have implications for the health reform debate as policymakers consider minimum standards for coverage, required cost sharing…
Matching Health Benefit Packages to Health Needs: Key Issues To Consider In Health Reform August 30, 2009 Event Three reports and a video collectively examine the range of health care needs and costs that people face today against the backdrop of the scope of health coverage that may be available to them under health reform. Children and Health Care Reform: Assuring Coverage That Meets Their Health Care Needs…
Consumers’ Experience in Massachusetts: Lessons For National Health Reform August 30, 2009 Report This report examines the impact of state health reform efforts on the lives of ordinary people in Massachusetts, including a look at coverage provided by both public programs and private sources. It focuses specifically on people’s ability to afford and obtain needed care. Report (.pdf)
Individuals with Special Needs and Health Reform: Adequacy of Health Insurance Coverage August 30, 2009 Issue Brief This issue brief examines the health care needs and health costs of individuals with special health challenges, focusing on those with low-to-moderate incomes. It finds that even under a benefit package more generous than most offered in the private insurance market, individuals and families can face significant gaps in coverage…
Health Reform: Lessons From Massachusetts August 30, 2009 Event As Congress debates comprehensive national health reform, the Kaiser Family Foundation has two reports and an updated fact sheet that examine state-level health reform in Massachusetts and the lessons it offers for policymakers in Washington. Consumers’ Experience in Massachusetts: Lessons For National Health Reform and In Pursuit of Affordable Health…
Struggling With Financing: The Recession and National Health Reform Dominate State Medicaid Concerns August 6, 2009 Report The recession has squeezed state Medicaid programs between the twin pressures of rising enrollment and shrinking budgets as the economic downturn triggers both increased demand for safety-net services and a decrease in the tax revenues that state governments rely on to fund them. The report, draws on interviews with state…
How Will Uninsured Childless Adults Be Affected By Health Reform? August 1, 2009 Issue Brief This brief examines uninsured childless adults and how they could be affected by health reform, including estimates of how many might qualify for coverage under a Medicaid expansion, how many would be eligible for subsidies and how many would not be eligible for such help. Issue Brief (.pdf)
How Will Uninsured Children Be Affected By Health Reform? August 1, 2009 Issue Brief This brief examines uninsured children and how they could be affected by health reform, including estimates of how many might qualify for coverage under a Medicaid expansion, how many would be eligible for subsidies and how many would not be eligible for such help. Issue Brief (.pdf)
How Will Uninsured Parents Be Affected By Health Reform? August 1, 2009 Issue Brief This brief examines uninsured parents and how they could be affected by health reform, including estimates of how many might qualify for coverage under a Medicaid expansion, how many would be eligible for subsidies and how many would not be eligible for such help. Issue Brief (.pdf)