Medicaid’s Role in Long-Term Care: Q & A April 30, 2005 Fact Sheet Financing long-term care for the nearly 10 million Americans who need services and support to assist them in life’s daily activities continues to challenge the nation. While Medicaid is the nation’s major source of financing for long-term care services, paying for over 40% of total long-term care, its role is…
Health Care and the 2004 Elections: Long Term Care October 1, 2004 Issue Brief Long Term CareDownload a printable .pdf of Health Care and the 2004 Elections: Long Term Care.IssueBackgroundOptions for Addressing Long Term Care NeedsAssessing Candidate PositionsIssueMillions of elderly and disabled Americans need long-term care services and supports. The aging of the population in the United States over the next several decades is…
The U.S. Supreme Court’s Olmstead Decision: Five Years Later June 1, 2004 Event The U.S. Supreme Court’s Olmstead Decision: Five Years Later Five years after the Supreme Court’s landmark Olmstead decision applying the Americans with Disabilities Act to the right of individuals with disabilities to receive health care in a community-based setting, the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured releases two new…
Olmstead at Five: Assessing the Impact June 1, 2004 Report This report examines the impact of Olmstead v. L.C. five years after the United States Supreme Court’s 1999 landmark decision. The analysis brings together new research with a synthesis of research undertaken over the past five years, to help policymakers and program administrators understand the meaning of the Americans with…
Olmstead v. L.C.: The Interaction of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Medicaid June 1, 2004 Event This policy brief describes the relationship of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Medicaid services and the impact of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Olmstead v. L.C. decision. Policy Brief (.pdf) Related Olmstead Materials
Medicaid and Long-term Care – Report May 1, 2004 Report Medicaid and Long-term CareThis report examines Medicaid's role in providing long-term care services, including the services provided, the population needing services, and how the services are delivered. Current policy issues and challenges for Medicaid's role in providing these services are also discussed. Report (.pdf)
Recent Growth in Medicaid Home and Community-Based Service Waivers April 30, 2004 Report Medicaid spending on home and community-based service (HCBS) waivers dominates spending on community-based long-term care services offered through the Medicaid program. This paper examines trends in HCBS waiver enrollment and spending in recent years. Report (.pdf)
Dual Eligibles: Medicaid’s Role in Filling Medicare’s Gaps March 2, 2004 Issue Brief Dual Eligibles: Medicaid's Role in Filling Medicare's Gaps – Issue BriefThis paper presents a profile of dual eligible beneficiaries (those qualifying for both Medicare and Medicaid), describes their health care expenditures, and analyzes the distribution of spending on the population.Issue Paper (.pdf)
State Perspectives on Medicaid Long-term Care: Report from a July 2003 State Forum January 30, 2004 Report This report summarizes discussions on Medicaid and long-term care at a forum with state officials held by the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured in July of 2003. The forum, conducted by the National Academy of State Health Policy, addressed issues including Medicaid's role in long-term care, state fiscal…
Survey of People with Disabilities November 30, 2003 Poll Finding People with disabilities are at risk in the health-care system because of their wide-ranging health-care needs, their relatively heavy use of prescription drugs, health-care and support services, and typically low incomes. A new survey of people with permanent mental and/or physical disabilities explores their health-care experiences and challenges in accessing…