Nursing Home Reform: Then and Now November 29, 2007 Video To mark the 20th anniversary of the passage of landmark federal legislation to improve the quality of nursing home care, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (known as OBRA 87), this video examines the history surrounding the law. The video includes a look at the state of nursing home…
New Resources and Briefing Explore Nursing Home Reform Twenty Years After Passage of Landmark Law November 29, 2007 Event To mark the 20th anniversary of the passage of landmark federal legislation to improve the quality of nursing home care, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (known as OBRA 87), the Kaiser Family Foundation released new resources and cosponsored a Washington, D.C. briefing. Among the resources released were new…
Nursing Home Care Quality: Twenty Years After the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 November 29, 2007 Report Nursing Home Care Quality: Twenty Years After the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987To mark the 20th anniversary of the passage of landmark federal legislation to improve the quality of nursing home care, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (known as OBRA '87), this report explains the key provisions…
Long-Term Service and Supports: The Future Role and Challenges for Medicaid September 29, 2007 Report This report examines the structure and impact of Medicaid’s role in long-term care. Based on a roundtable discussion of policy makers and experts and drawn from a body of health services research, the report highlights policy challenges facing the Medicaid program today and identifies issues in providing long-term care going…
Learning From History: Deinstitutionalization of People with Mental Illness As Precursor to Long-Term Care Reform July 31, 2007 Report This report examines what policy lessons can be learned from the deinstitutionalization of people with mental illnesses and applied to potential long-term care reform for the elderly or those with significant disabilities. The study assesses the reforms that took place under deinstitutionalization, their impact and what mistakes were made. It…
Medicaid’s Rehabilitation Services Option: Overview and Current Policy Issues July 30, 2007 Issue Brief Medicaid’s Rehabilitation Services Option: Overview and Current Policy IssuesIn 2007, the President reintroduced a plan to place new restrictions on the types of services allowable under the Medicaid rehabilitation services option (called the rehab option) to yield federal budget savings of $2.29 billion over the next five years. Currently, 47…
Changes in Characteristics, Needs, and Payment for Care of Elderly Nursing Home Residents: 1999 to 2004 June 29, 2007 Report The proportion of elderly adults over age 65 in nursing homes has declined over the past two decades, most noticeably in recent years. Reasons suggested for this trend include reductions in disability rates among elderly people, improvements in mechanisms for coping with disability, and changes in the residential and long-term…
Beyond Cash and Counseling: The Second Generation of Individual Budget-Based Community Long-Term Care Programs for the Elderly December 31, 2006 Report States are increasingly interested in the individual budget model for older Medicaid beneficiaries as a mechanism to improve responsiveness of benefits to beneficiaries’ needs and preferences and to increase their ability to remain outside or leave nursing homes. Beginning in January 2007, a new provision in the Deficit Reduction Act…
Medicaid and Long-Term Care: Recent Publications Illuminate Key Policy Issues December 19, 2006 Fact Sheet With recent policy debates about the future of Medicaid, the Foundation’s Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured has created a resource page of recent publications that address key policy issues when examining Medicaid’s role for high cost populations and in long-term care. Of particular interest are a report profiling…
Medicaid 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Service Programs: Annual Data Update November 30, 2006 Issue Brief Developing home and community-based service (HCBS) alternatives to institutional care has been a priority for many state Medicaid programs over the last two decades and the focus of Medicaid policy debates recently. While the majority of Medicaid long-term care dollars go toward institutional care, the national percentage of Medicaid spending…